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How To Spike A Volley Ball

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1 How To Spike A Volley Ball
By Monica Wiemer

2 Imagine yourself in the middle of the Badger Regional's volleyball tournament. There are 30 courts surrounding you in this one giant gym. You look around and see people warming up for their next game. They are all spiking a volley ball but not the way you usually spike a volleyball; it looks different, more complicated. You hear the sounds of people calling "MINE MINE MINE" when the volleyball is coming towards them. You can smell the sweat and anxiety of all the teams as they try to get first place in the tournament. My name is Monica Wiemer. Today I will be teaching you how to spike a volleyball like a professional would. You can call me an expert at it! I practice it 4-5 times a week in my driveway with my dad, and twice a week for practices with my coach and teamates. During the first volleyball practice of the year my team figured out my coach was a professional, and he used to coach the Marquette volleyball team. He brought in his daughter that is now playing on the Marquette volleyball team and they showed us how to do the steps. This was my first ever time playing volleyball and this helped me get good enough to join a club team. I now play for the Muskego Stars. I bet most of you are thinking, “Why can’t they just go up and hit the volleyball with their hands? Why do they have to make it so complicated?” They do it step by step because they need to get more power and momentum. Also they can hit it down more instead of almost hitting it out. This will allow them to possibly have a better chance of getting a point because it will be harder for the other team to retrieve it.

3 Materials Volleyball Hands Feet Shoes Kneepads Volleyball net
Volleyball court (optional)

4 Safety Precautions Use a non-slippery floor if you are using a gym floor. Make sure if you fall, fall on your kneepads, not your face. That’s why you have the kneepads.

5 When you start make sure you stand on the 10 foot line
When you start make sure you stand on the 10 foot line. This line is the line 10 feet away from the net. 10 foot line

6 After you stand on the ten foot line take your less dominate leg in front of you. For me this is my left leg. Bring out about 3 feet in front of you. Have your arms straight out in front of you. You should sort of look like a zombie right now.

7 Next take a small step with your other foot
Next take a small step with your other foot. Make sure it is about a foot in front of your less dominant foot. Have your arms about half way behind you. Make sure your knees are bent.

8 Then take your less dominant foot next to your other foot about shoulder length apart, with your knees still bent. Swing your arms behind your back.

9 After that jump up in the air and have both of your hands above your head.

10 Swing down with your more dominant hand on the ball over the net while in the air. Once you’ve done that you have spiked professionally!

11 The spike…

12 Imagine yourself in one of the courts in Badger Regionals, warming up for your next game. Your team is doing a spiking drill. You spike the volleyball as hard as you can, and you look over at your coach and he/she says, "The best spike of the day! Great job!" This could be you someday if you get on a team, and keep practicing what you learn. You know what they say, practice makes perfect!

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