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Will the Real Macbeth Please Stand Up?

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1 Will the Real Macbeth Please Stand Up?
History vs. Shakespeare’s Version Lecture Objective: Analyze similarities and differences between history and art

2 Essential Questions (Exit Slip after lecture)
How does Shakespeare’s version of Macbeth’s story differ from historical accounts of Macbeth’s story? Decide why Shakespeare created a revised history when writing Macbeth.

3 Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Written between ; first performed 1609

4 1034: Malcolm II is succeeded by his grandson Duncan as King of Scotland 1040: King Duncan tries to impose his will on northern Scotland and suppress local nobles 1034: Malcolm II is succeeded by his grandson Duncan as King of Scotland 1040: King Duncan tries to impose his will on northern Scotland and suppress local nobles

5 Historical Macbeth 1040: Macbeth of Moray defeats Duncan at Battle of Pitgaveny, and becomes king of Scotland … … until 1057 Duncan’s wife flees with her two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain

6 Historical Macbeth 1054: Edward the Confessor, King of England, orders invasion of Scotland 1057: Malcolm (Duncan’s son) defeats Macbeth at Battle of Dunsinane, and becomes Malcolm III Earl of Northumbria, Siward, leads army into Scotland Earl of Northumbria, Siward, leads army into Scotland

7 Duncan vs. Macbeth #truth (for real in actual history)
Duncan’s rule: 6 years characterized by failed battles and ineffective leadership Macbeth’s rule: 17 years called “benevolent” and “renowned” no mention of Lady Macbeth’s effect on her husband

8 The relationship between James I and Banquo …
Jumping Ahead … The relationship between James I and Banquo …

9 Historical Banquo Mentioned by Holinshed in Chronicles (1587)
Supposedly an ancestor of the Fitzalan High Stewards of Scotland ancestors of James VI/I 19th century research shows the Fitzalan clan couldn’t have descended from Scottish heritage; what James I believed was likely erroneous

10 James VI of Scotland became James I of England and Scotland, 1603

11 James I Guy Fawkes Day! Nov 5th, annually
First monarch to unite English and Scottish thrones Second successive Protestant monarch Claimed Banquo as his ancestor Paranoid re: assassination plots Guy Fawkes Day! Nov 5th, annually

12 James I In 1597, wrote a book called Daemonology
In , wrote The Trew Law of Free Monarchies, originating the idea of the Divine Right of Kings acknowledging the existence of witchcraft and condemning it as the devil

13 James I Intended victim of the Gunpowder Plot 1605:
Guy Fawkes and co-conspirators Wanted to blow up Parliament Tragedy averted; co-conspirators caught, tortured, and executed

14 Members of the Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes is third from right)


16 Exit Slip: On your blank sheet of paper
Draw two Macbeths to show you can differentiate between the two: On the left, draw and annotate historical Macbeth On the right, draw and annotate literary Macbeth

17 Exit Slip Front of Note Card Back of Note Card Explain why Shakespeare created a revisionist history when writing Macbeth. Write the most current version of your Macbeth paper thesis statement.

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