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What has been happening in BATOD? “stronger together”

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1 What has been happening in BATOD? “stronger together”
HOSS Conference Friday 17th June 2011

2 A busy year! “stronger together”
New government Rapid pace of legislative change White Paper – “The Importance of Teaching” Academies, Free Schools, The Green Paper: Support & Aspiration – a new approach Diminishing role of LA Impact on centrally retained specialist services

3 How is BATOD? “stronger together”
Still aging but still healthy! New vibrant East Region Younger ToDs volunteering to stand on all regional committees Recruitment drive to increase membership – every ToD to attract one new member to the profession Lean and keen –operationally slimmer! Steering Group & NEC meetings reduced

4 Communication “stronger together”
Relationships matter at all levels 3 BATOD workstreams: Working for BATOD members Working with partners Working with government Proactive and flexible – NEC meetings focus on producing guidance for members, responding to consultations and keeping informed on legislative direction

5 Working for members “stronger together”
Guidance for Heads of Services - “If not statutory, then essential” - Models of services in changing times – work in progress - Features of Effective Services Guidance for members - New Equalities legislation - New SEN Pay Range - OFSTED inspections of SEND in mainstream schools

6 Working with partners “stronger together”
Formal working links with VIEW – Co-President, Judy Sanderson attending NEC meetings in June and September Closer links with BAEA – P.Keen attending NEC in June Closer links with NDCS – B.Gale attending NEC in June BATOD within NatSIP – National Executive Officer & other members on Reference Group Annual meeting with CEO & President of NASEN Leonardo Project – PAN Europe group producing competencies for Teachers of The Deaf

7 Working with Partners “stronger together”
Deaf Education Support Forum (BATOD, ASLI, ACSW & Signature, CHESS, specialist services, NATED, Mary Hare Training Services) chaired by National Executive Officer CRIDE survey (consortium of voluntary organisations, researchers, schools and services, with BATOD) Mentoring project in association with Manchester University Course Provider Deaf Mental Health Project in association with Dr Barry Wright BATOD Foundation project on classroom acoustics

8 Working with Government “stronger together”
BATOD response to “A Call for Views” and Green Paper Consultation National Executive Officer invited to be part of consultative group regarding Phonics Check at the end of KS1 President, National Executive Officer and NEC member met with A.Duffy and C.Henry HMIs regarding use of interpreters during OFSTED inspections BATOD and NDCS combined influence on Scottish Government to retain funding of Scottish Sensory Centre for another year

9 The Future Key Issues Providing local and flexible networks for ToDs
Rationalising meetings & conferences with partners with more limited resources and time – let’s not duplicate! Developing 21st century solutions and communication to be responsive to a new, unfolding educational landscape “Stronger together” remains key to a strong future

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