UMath X Common Core Standards Address The Texas TEKS Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "UMath X Common Core Standards Address The Texas TEKS Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 UMath X Common Core Standards Address The Texas TEKS Introduction

2 Outline ●Model Digital Learning -slide 3
- video & access - methods - Within UMath X Menu - Within Texas TEKS Menu ●Model Blended Learning -slide 16 - frameworks for learning model implementation ●Model Tiered Learning -slide 22 - strategies to accommodate learning ●Model Professional Learning in K to Alge1 -slide 27 - handson ●Assessment -slide 33 - data module - depth & flexibility ●The Learning Environment -slide 35

3 Model Digital Learning
is the 10th version of “Understanding Math”. blends a digital approach and resources aligned to many curricula for k to algebra 1. models strategies in scaffolded learning environments: - to build the math capacity of students. - to provide individual progress monitoring. - to support the professional learning of the teacher.

4 Digital Learning Principles
concrete to pictorial to abstract multiple representations interactivity and audio mistake is an opportunity to learn pacing is controlled by the learner learning is scaffolded Use any browser & Key in the URL Play the NLS Video - UMath X Navigational Tutorial Frameworks for Learning 3 Part Lessons Start - Work at it - Reflect

5 UMath X For a GLIMPSE, now LOG into Use any browser & key in the URL …
Generic Username Login … student Password … student2015 or Generic Username Login … teacher Password is … teacher2015 Later, we will also log in as a: Principal and/or District Leader

6 Try this path & Note the Digital Learning Principles
CLICK Try this path & Note the Digital Learning Principles

7 Try this path & note the Digital Learning Principles.
CLICK Try this path & note the Digital Learning Principles.

8 Try this path.

9 Try this path.


11 CLICK The UMath X Menu is converted into the TEKS Menu.
Then navigate to 1.3.E.ii The UMath X Menu is converted into the TEKS Menu.


13 Generic URL ..
Generic Login .. student Generic Password .. studentpwd

14 Then navigate to 6.3.B.i in TEKS Menu.
The UMath X Menu is converted into the TEKS Menu. CLICK Then navigate to 6.3.B.i in TEKS Menu. The UMath X menu is based on a CONCEPTUAL FOCUS. It allows student and teacher to follow a CONCEPTUAL PATH rather than an often disjointed grade focus. It is flexible in that one can focus on concepts in a certain grade and conceptual scaffolding over a number of grade levels.

15 Hence one can reach a particular lesson in 2 ways:
through the UMath X menu through the Texas TEKS menu

16 Model Blended Learning
Frameworks are … 3 Part Lessons to Model Implementation of UMath ( (

17 Find and print the framework below:
Find and select it at … (

18 Find and Print a Framework:
Method 1: Find and select it at … Method 2: Select from the TEKS Menu E.ii .. & click on “frameworks” Find & select the appropriate framework below. (

19 Frameworks (3 Part Lessons for Blended Learning)

20 Frameworks (3 Part Lessons for Blended Learning)

21 Frameworks (3 Part Lessons for Blended Learning)

22 Model RtI with Tiered Frameworks
(Strategies to Accommodate Learning) Model RtI with Tiered Frameworks ( (

23 Example of Tiered Frameworks
Access - TEKS 7.9.C ..on computer .. 3 part outlines on 2 pages

24 Tiered Frameworks… online”



27 Build it .. Draw it .. Talk it .. Write it .. then .. OWN IT!
Modelling .. K to 5 Build it .. Draw it .. Talk it .. Write it .. then .. OWN IT! Our 3 Part Presentation

28 Model Differentiated Instruction
Subtract with Regrouping & VerticalSubtract Fraction Introduction Multiply Proper Fractions Decimals to Tenths, Hundredths Find Frameworks at for each of these 6 stations. Some frameworks are tiered. Within your group: work though tiered framework discuss content discuss instruction ( Adding Fractions Equivalent Fractions (

29 Hilighted Paths are for 5 Stations in Previous Slide.
Each path has .. 2 menus and frameworks. ( (

30 Modelling - 6 to algebra 1 Proportions in a “Smarter, Not Harder” Blended RTI Approach

31 Model Differentiated Instruction
Ratio Tables Introduction Linear Relation Elastic /Walker Estimation Using Proportions Graphs with/without A Scale Find Frameworks at for each of these 6 stations. Some frameworks are tiered. Within your group: work though frameworks discuss content & instruction discuss “intensive math” outline ( Proportion Scale Drawing Similar Triangles Slope (

32 Hilighted Paths are for 4 Stations in Previous Slide.
Each path has .. 2 menus and frameworks. ( (

33 Assessment A student logs in and clicks on the test icon.(see above)
The Test Selection Menu will appear. Click on the Curriculum tab. The following appears. Click on .. 5th Grade .. and select one of the TEKS .. TEKS 5.3 Numbers & Operations

34 Learning from Results
At end of test, the student clicks on item 23 in Summary and info below appears. At the end of the test, a Summary Page appears. Above is part of a possible Summary Page. The student clicks on item 14. The student receives information below.

35 The Learning Environment
Teachers School Leaders Parents Curriculum Students

36 Change the Mindset Remember How Understand Why
The Emphasis is on: •students doing mathematics. •students demonstrating thinking and learning. •students grapple with challenging tasks in a diverse learning environment Remember How Understand Why

37 “Active learning practices have a more significant impact on student performance than any other variable. Instructional Paradigm Shift Dr. Brigid Barron and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University Teaching for Meaningful Learning: A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning

38 … is what you do when you don’t know answers.
Good Mathematics ... … is what you do when you don’t know answers. more than “persevering” more than “engaging” is “productive” struggling Too many feel that if we do not “get it” in the first few seconds that we will NEVER get it! We need to be able to “grapple”. “Grappling” is much more than “persevering” and “engaging” In “grappling” one is in competition with him/her self. … is … “GRAPPLING” ie … in competition with oneself.

39 Productive Math Talk Moves
Revoicing Show me another way? Repeating How are these same/different? Reasoning What would you do if…? Adding On What else could you have done? Waiting Why did you…? Effective Questions Students articulate their own ideas and consider peer perspectives as a way to construct understandings.

40 is the KEY The Teacher Teach in New Ways Lead to Understand
Go Deep to Understand Unpack the Math Broad Ability Ranges Differentiate Parent Expectations Challenge for teachers (juggling) Broad ability ranges within a class Need for differentiated instruction - RTI Wide range of literacy skills Diverse learning styles Teachers are being asked to teach in ways that they were never taught. Need to “go deep” and teach with understanding. Unpack familiar math concepts to lead to understanding. Require knowledge of an explanation of a concept. Understand methods and solutions different from their own.

41 Role of the School Leader
Support Teachers Teach for Understanding Answers are Important but Not Sufficient Communicate with Parents Teachers do not provide all answers. Students are encouraged to “Grapple” convince teachers to teach for understanding. prepare parents for the fact that teachers may not be providing all of the answers. prepare parents that students will be grappling with challenging material. note answers are important but not sufficient.

42 Videos - Navigation, Frameworks
Call or FINALLY.. UMath X Preview Access login - student password - student2015 Videos - Navigation, Frameworks Professional Learning: Contact - A Ellerbee .. - R Neufeld .. - Dr M Kendall .. - M Pankratz .. -B Mathies ordering

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