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6th grade Unit Four vocabulary

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1 6th grade Unit Four vocabulary

2 collaborate -work together with other members of a group

3 source -a place from which information comes or is obtained

4 multimedia -the use of several media (for example, print, film, audio, and video) to communicate ideas

5 bibliography -a list of source materials used to prepare a research paper or presentation

6 evaluate -To examine and judge carefully to determine the value of something, such as an idea, a comment, or source

7 synthesize -to combine elements from different sources to create, express, or support a new idea

8 annotate -to write notes to explain or present ideas that help you analyze and understand a text

9 rhythm -the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in spoken or written language, especially in poetry

10 iambic pentameter -a rhythmic pattern of five feet (or unit) of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

11 iamb -a metrical foot that consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

12 tableau -a purposeful arrangement of characters frozen as if in a painting or photograph

13 limerick -a light, humorous, nonsensical verse of few lines, usually with a rhyme scheme of a-b-b-a

14 rhyme scheme -a consistent pattern of ende rhyme throughout a poem

15 0ral interpretation -reading aloud a literary text with expression

16 inflection -the emphasis a speaker places on words through change in pitch or volume

17 rate -the speed at which a speaker delivers words

18 drama -a genre of literature that is intended to be performed before an audience, a play

19 free verse -a kind of poetry that does not follow any regular pattern, rhythm, or rhyme

20 alliteration -the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words that are close together

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