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RETAP Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Program

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1 RETAP Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Program
Michigan Small Manufacturers Source Reduction Project (EPA Pollution Prevention Grant NP-00E01561) Enhanced Assessment Tools Practice Presentations David Herb LARA RETAP Manager Michigan Agency for Energy

2 Particular emphasis on in-plant hazardous waste pollution prevention
RETAP Legal Mandate Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act Act 451 of 1994 (as amended) Provide on-site pollution prevention technical assistance: Source Reduction (42 USC 13102) Conservation or increased efficiency in the use of energy, water, or other materials Onsite or off-site reuse and recycling (Michigan only) Particular emphasis on in-plant hazardous waste pollution prevention

3 RETAP Legal Mandate Source Reduction: (42 USC 13102)
Any practice which reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal

4 RETAP Program Challenges
Funding: Pursue Grants, Document Outcomes, Enhance Services Source Reduction (DEQ Priority): Hazardous, Toxic, Other Regulated Wastes Increasing Complexity of Processes & Operations: Low hanging fruit significantly changed since 1990 Adoption of Continual Improvement Programs: Lean, EMS, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, etc. Competing Assistance / Assessment Programs IAC, CEC, Eco-Center, Utility Programs, etc.

5 U.S. EPA P2 Grant Request for Proposal
January 2013 Provide P2 technical assistance to achieve measureable reductions in toxic / hazardous materials, water usage, GHG emissions, and costs by businesses: Assistance with Source Reduction Planning Provide Tools and Training Target Manufacturing Industries ** Projects must not focus on reducing non-hazardous materials ** Required Outcome Reporting: Pounds of Hazardous materials reduced Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent reduced Gallons of Water Saved Dollars Saved Through P2 efforts

6 U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Award
October 2013 – March 2017 Provide P2 technical assistance to achieve measureable reductions in toxic / hazardous materials, water usage, GHG emissions, and costs by businesses: Assistance with Source Reduction Planning Provide Tools and Training Target Manufacturing Industries ** Projects must not focus on reducing non-hazardous materials ** Required Outcome Reporting: Pounds of Hazardous materials reduced Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent reduced Gallons of Water Saved Dollars Saved Through P2 efforts

7 Free Confidential Non-Regulatory No Obligations Objective
Onsite Pollution Prevention & Energy Conservation Assessments Conducted by Teams of Retired Engineers Free Confidential Non-Regulatory No Obligations Objective

8 RETAP Assessments Identify Pollution Prevention Opportunities:
Reduce Energy Usage Eliminate Waste Generation Reuse & Recycle Wastes Green Alternatives Material & Water Usages Increase Process Efficiency Reduce Risks & Liability Identity Cost Savings Target Company’s Priorities

9 RETAP Minimum Requirements
Own Facility or Responsible for Building Improvements Significant Daily Use / Onsite Activities Ongoing Operations Scheduled $15,000 Annual Energy Bills Provide Utility, Water & Waste Bills Staff to Answer Questions During Onsite Assessment Agreeable to two brief Annual Follow-up Surveys Sign Indemnification Agreement 500 or Fewer Full-Time Employees in Michigan (Businesses Only)

10 RETAP Initiated in 1994 Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA), 1994 P.A. 452, Part 145 Over 1900 assessments completed 120 assessments per year (max) 50 retired professionals 30 or more years professional experience each Over 2000 Years of Professional Experience

11 RETAP Engineers 1 Lawyer
27 Degreed Disciplines (15 Engineering Fields) 22 Advanced Degrees (includes 3 PhDs) 14 Licensed Professional Engineers 4 AEE Certified Energy Auditors 2 Certified Farm Energy Auditors 11 Other Certifications 1 Lawyer

12 RETAP Achievements 1/01/14 – 12/31/14 50 Pollution Prevention Reports
14 Energy Conservation Reports 80 Buildings 1,546 Recommendations Business Savings Amounts Operating Costs million dollars Electricity Usage million kWh Natural Gas Usage million CCF Waste Disposal million pounds Water Usage million gallons

13 RETAP Achievements 1/01/13 – 12/31/13 46 Pollution Prevention Reports
8 Energy Conservation Reports 85 Buildings 1,817 Recommendations Business Savings Amounts Operating Costs million dollars Electricity Usage million kWh Natural Gas Usage million CCF Waste Disposal million pounds Water Usage million gallons

14 RETAP Program Awards Received
International Green Apple Award The Green Organisation Michigan Green Leaders Award Detroit Free Press Most Valuable P2 Program Award National Pollution Prevention Roundtable Base Challenge Award Michigan Air National Guard Community Service Award Michigan Park & Recreation Association

15 RETAP Fiscal Year 2015 Minimum Program Requirements
P2 Assessments > 100 Facilities E2 Assessments > Buildings Energy Audits > Buildings 450 Hours of Additional Assistance

16 RETAP Additional Assistance
450 Hours of Additional Assistance Follow-up assistance to supplement assessment Focused / specified P2 or E2 assistance need Abbreviated assessments for very small facilities

17 How to contact RETAP or get more Info?
David Herb (direct) Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Foundation (fax)

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