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‘What are we really fighting for?’

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1 ‘What are we really fighting for?’
The Declaration of War ‘What are we really fighting for?’

2 Treaties and Alliances
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia Germany held previous French territories Germany knew they were militarily superior to French Believed they would only be invaded if France had one or more powerful allies Great Britain and France traditional rivals Germany believed France and UK would never become allies

3 Triple Alliance cont… Germany believed that France would need Russia or Austria – Hungary German secured an informal agreement with Russia and Austria – Hungary in 1872 to assist each other in case of war…making the Three Emperor’s League Became Two Emperor’s League know as the Dual Alliance In 1881 France seized Tunisia (Northern Africa) angering Italy Germany convinced Italy to join the Dual Alliance making it the Triple Alliance

4 Reactions To The Triple Alliance
Caused great concern for Russia and France Russia and France created the Franco – Russian Alliance Franco – Russian Alliance promised military assistance if either country invaded by members of the Triple Alliance Mobilisation of troops if the other did so Dual Entente

5 Britain Joins the Picture
Britain begins to see Germany as a threat Believes that they need to expand into Asia to curtail German expansion there 1902 Anglo – Japanese Alliance Double benefit as Britain was able to contain Russian expansion Japan saw it as a sign of their being a ‘major power’

6 Britain and France Unite
1904 British and French Government sign the Entente Cordial Spheres of influence in each others colonies (mainly Egypt and Morocco

7 Morocco Crisis 1905 Crisis: Germany called for Moroccan Independence and established a international conference to discuss this. Britain backed French right to posses Morocco ensuring Germany’s plan to cause a rift between Britain and France backfired 1911 Crisis: Civil unrest, sultan calls for French military assistance, Germany mistrusted this approach and sent a battleship to Morocco and demanded African territories Britain assisted France through direct threats of war Germany felt that the Triple Entente was isolating and threatening them

8 Triple Entente With the success of the Cordiale Entente France acted as an intermediary between Britain and Russia This was successful

9 Germany and Britain Tensions continue to simmer
Britain feel provoked by Germany’s desire to create a navy of comparable size

10 …Meanwhile Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russian Empire already strained relationships pushed even further over the still disputed territories Bosnia Herzegovina. (Balkans) Serbia organised a coalition of Balkan states intent on attacking Turkey which they did


12 …and finally the shot that heralded so many more…
Austrian royalty Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife visit Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Both assassinated by Serbian Nationalist ‘Black Hand’ No proof of Serbian involvement However, Austria felt the need for revenge Issued a list of 10 demands they knew would not be met Austria started mobilising its troops, and requested German assistance Serbia met 9/10 demands Austria not satisfied and declared war on Serbia on 28/6

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