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William Pitt won the French and Indian War,

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Presentation on theme: "William Pitt won the French and Indian War,"— Presentation transcript:

1 William Pitt won the French and Indian War,
but he put England into a huge debt. (Apx. 100 million pounds) ____________ was upset with the Treaty of Paris and united with many tribes against England. _______________ burned many settlements. ___________ was a target, but the Indians were stopped at ____________.

2 The last thing England needs is _____, so
let the ACTS begin. Proclamation Of 1763 Quartering Act

3 Navigation Act Sugar Act Currency Act

4 Stamp Act The Stamp Act started the Revolutionary spirit. It’s not about the money, it is about __________.





9 The Steps to a peaceful protest
( ) ( ) 3.________– refuse to _____ a product to get your way or prove a point Ask nicely Form groups

10 Famous Boycotts Martin Luther King’s Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott
Bumblebee Tuna Company Nabisco Corporation

11 After the Stamp Act was removed, we thought
everything was OK. It was not. Declaratory Act Townshend Act Writs of Assistance

12 Colonists boycotted the Townshend Acts.
The boycott ________. This unified the colonists as smuggling continued. When Britain sent _________ (poorly trained and aggressive soldiers) to Boston, tensions rose.

13 Boston Massacre – It is a great example of
___________ (exaggerating the truth to gain support for your cause. Sam Adams did this. Facts of the event - ____________ surrounded the __________. - Words are exchanged Redcoats come to help Shots are fired - ___ colonists died Was this a massacre?

14 The verdict of the trial was the most important
part of the event. The redcoats were tried for _________. Most (including the officer) were ___________. 2 redcoats were of guilty of _______________. There punishment was a __________________. The punishment was We now realize we are being treated badly.

15 Britain tried to calm us by repealing the
Townshend Acts, but the left a tax on _____. Tea Act England sold us their surplus ( ) tea very cheaply. _____ per pound ( ) Colonists dressed as __________________ and threw 342 chests of tea (23,000 lbs) into Boston Harbor. How much is that worth now? _____________


17 _____________ offered to pay for the tea to
help avoid conflict. The King _________. Instead King George III enacted the Coercive Acts ( ) 1. Closed Boston until ___________________ ( ) 2. Revoked the Mass. Charter ( ) 3. British criminals were tried in ________ ( ) 4. Quarter troops in Boston ( ) 5. Martial Law ( ) special treatment First Continental Congress – delegates from every colony met in ______________ to debate our response to the Intolerable Acts.

18 _______________ convinced many with the
quote, “ ______________________________.” It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! We decide to keep boycotting and start training an army !!!

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