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Antun Balaz SCL, Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia

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1 Antun Balaz SCL, Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia
AEGIS Overview Antun Balaz SCL, Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia 07/03/2011

2 Agenda NGI_AEGIS and EGI AEGIS infrastructure Migration to gLite-3.2
dteam VO support AEGIS procedures EGI repositories

3 NGI_AEGIS and EGI created in February 2010
Established as an international consortium based in Amsterdam Serbia represented in the EGI Council and other bodies by IPB Coordinates EGI-InSPIRE project, May 2010 – April 2014 IPB represents Serbia as a partner

4 EGI-InSPIRE FP7 RI-261323 project, ESFRI WP1: Management (NA1)
WP2: External relations (NA2) WP3: User community coordination (NA3) WP4: Operations (SA1) WP5: Provisioning the software infrastructure (SA2) WP6: Services for HUC (SA3) WP7: Operational tools (JRA1)

5 IPB and EGI-InSPIRE IPB is involved in NA2, NA3, SA1 Operations:
AEGIS operations Coordination of middleware deployment OMB OTAG

6 AEGIS infrastructure (1)
Production: AEGIS01-IPB-SCL (704 CPUs, 26 TB) AEGIS02-RCUB (48 CPUs, 113 GB) AEGIS03-ELEF-LEDA (64 CPUs, 1.5 TB) AEGIS04-KG (48 CPUs, 480 GB) AEGIS07-IPB-ATLAS (128 CPUs) AEGIS11-MISANU (64 CPUs)

7 AEGIS infrastructure (2)
Certification: AEGIS05-ETFBG AEGIS09-FTN-KM Demo/training: AEGIS08-IPB-DEMO New: AEGIS10-CMS-VINCA? UOB Faculty of Physics?

8 Migration to gLite-3.2 lcg-CE  CREAM (ongoing) DPM (ongoing)
RGMA  APEL (finished) WNs?

9 dteam VO Support for dteam VO requested again
For on-line testing, including security-related probes by EGI-CSIRT Timeline for deployment?

10 AEGIS procedures NGI_AEGIS management (A. Balaz, D. Vudragovic, V. Slavnic) Helpdesk: Nagios: Mailing lists We follow EGI/EGI-InSPIRE procedures, adapt where necessary National-level coordination: excellent collaboration

11 EGI repositories New repositories for middleware are hosted by EGI
All repositories are mirrored by IPB at All other relevant repositories are also mirrored (SL, CTAN, dag, apache, eclipse, jpackage, ubuntu, mysql) scl repository contains locally developed tools and metapackages for repositories hosted at

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