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Dr. D. K. Chopade President, Down Syndrome Care Association, India

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1 Dr. D. K. Chopade President, Down Syndrome Care Association, India
Presentation at IIDSC-2017 New Delhi 10/09/2017 Cytogenetic correlation of cardiac and non-cardiac anomalies in Down syndrome Dr. D. K. Chopade President, Down Syndrome Care Association, India Genetic Health & Research Centre, 7, Mahatmanagar, near ABB signal, Triambak Road, Nashik, Maharashtra

2 Introduction: It is the most common genetic disorder in the world
Incidence: 1 in 1000 Types as per chromosomal abnormalities: Sr No Type of Down Syndrome Chromosomal abnormality Prevalence 1 Free Trisomy 21 Three separate copies of chromosome 21 94% 2 Translocation Down syndrome Extra copy of chromosome 21 is attached to other chromosomes like 21, 22, 13, 14 or 15 3.3% 3 Mosaic Down syndrome Some cells show normal 46 chromosomes, while others show extra 21 2.4%

3 Karyotype of a boy with 21;21 Robertsonian translocaton Down syndrome
Karyotype of a boy with free trisomy 21 Down syndrome Karyotype of a girl with 14;21 Robertsonian translocation Down syndrome

4 The major cause of early mortality is- Congenital heart defect
Clinical Features reported Sr No Principle features observed % 1 Hypotonia 80 2 Hyperflexible of joints 3 Excees skin on back of neck 4 Flat face 90 5 Slanted palpebral fissures 6 Abnormal auricles 60 7 Dysplasia of middle phalynx Sr No Major Congenital malformations observed % 1 CNS- Mental deficiency 100% 2 Cardiac- Atrioventricular defects Ventricular septal defects Patent Ductus arteriosus Atrial septal defects 40% 3 Gastro-intestinal abnormalities Tracheoesophageal fistula Duodenal atresia Pyloric stenosis Hirschprung disease Imperforate anus 12% 8 Dysplasia of pelvis 70 9 Simian crease 45 The major cause of early mortality is- Congenital heart defect

5 The aim of this study To establish the clinical and cytogenetic correlation in the individuals with Down’s syndrome Study Design Retrospective analysis 482 individuals with Down syndrome, Methods: clinical and cytogenetic evaluation Period-2003 to 2015 Place of study-Genetic and Health Research Centre, Nashik, India.

6 Results Table No: 1 Clinical Correlation with the different types of chromosomal abnormalities in Down’s syndrome (n= M:F- 1.4:1)- Types of CA M F Total Cardiac Anomalies Non-Cardiac Anomalies CA in parents (n=36) Free Trisomy 21 87.55% 249 173 422 186/422 (44.1%) 85/422 (20.1%) Not available RT (n= 36) 7.470% 21;21 12 07 % 9/19 (47.36%) 4/19 (21.1%) 45, XY, t(21;21)- 1 21;22 -- - 14;21 06 % 7/13 (53.85%) 3/13 (23.1%) 45, XX, t(14;21)- 3 45, XY, t(14;21)- 1 13;21 15;21 03 01 % 02/4 (50%) 00 45, XY, t(15;21)- 1 Mosaicism- 4.56% 10 22 03/10 (30%) No obvious CA 02 283 199 482 207/482 (42.9%) 92/482 (19.1%) M- Male, F- Female, RT- Robertsonian Translocation, CA- Chromosomal Abnormality

7 Results Table No 2: Various Congenital cardiac Anomalies observed
No of cases % Chromosomal abnormalities Free trisomy RT Mosaic Atrioventricular Septal Defect 105 51 95/105 (90.5%) 10 (9.5%) - Ventricular Septal Defect 62 30 60/62 (96.7%) 2 (3.3%) Atrial Septal Defects 17 8 13/17 (76.5% 2 (11.7%) Patent Ductus Arteriosus 13/17 (76.5%) 3 (17.6%) 1 (5.9%) Tetralogy of Fallot 06 3 5/6 (83.3%) 1 (16.7%) Total 207 100 186/207 (89.85%) 18 RT- Robertsonian Translocation

8 Hirschprung’s disease
Results Table No.3: Various Non-cardiac Anomalies Observed (Total Number- 92) Chromosomal abnormality Duodenal atresia Imperforate anus Hirschprung’s disease Total (92 cases) Free trisomy 21 (422) 36 21 17 74 (80.43%) t(21;21) +21 (19) 5 3 2 10 18 (19.56%) t(14;21) +21 (13) 1 7 t(15;21) +21 (4) - Mosaicism (22) 44 28 20 92

9 Main findings of our study
Frequency of various chromosomal abnormalities observed- Free trisomy % Robertsonian Translocation % Mosaicism % Male to Female ratio observed is 1.4:1 2 cases did not show any chromosomal abnormality The most common Robertsonian translocation found was – t(21;21) followed by t(14;21) Parents of children with Robertsonian translocation Down syndrome showed balanced Robertsonian translocation at a frequency of 16.7% (6/36)

10 CHD was observed in 42.95% of all cases with DS
The most common cardiac anomaly observed is Atrioventricular septal defect in 51% cases Atrioventricular septal defect was observed with the highest frequency in translocation DS cases Chromosomal abnormalities in children of DS with cardiac defects- Free trisomy % Robertsonian translocation- 8.70% Mosaicism % Non-cardiac anomalies observed- Duodenal atresia in 9%, imperforate anus in 6% and Hirschprung disease in 4% cases of DS

11 Conclusion There is a close association between various types of chromosomal abnormalities and cardiac and non-cardiac malformations The extra genetic material on chromosome 21 playes a vital role in development of major congenital malformations All the children with Down syndrome should be investigated for the major cardiac and non-cardiac malformations

12 Thank you so much…… Dr. Dnyandeo Chopade
Director and Consultant Medical Geneticist Genetic Health & Research Centre, Nashik - Mobile

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