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Yearbook mini projects

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1 Yearbook mini projects
Pub I Introduction to Publications

2 Pick a Pic Now that we have studied some rules of photography, go into your phone and find the best picture you have taken. Draw a quick sketch of the photo in your notebook. Explain the 5 W’s of the photo (who, what, where, when, why, how) Give a 3-5 sentence explanation of why this photo is yearbook quality. Give yourself a critique on how you could have made the photo better. We will share in small groups during the last 5 minutes of class.

3 Take some pics We are going to go outside.
You need to take a photo from the following perspectives: Bird’s Eye View Worm’s Eye View A photo in which you are paying SPECIAL attention to the rule of thirds Leading Lines An interesting angle Using/adding a filter to a photo of a NONHUMAN subject We will only have today in class to take these photos. We will use these photos for a project later in the week.

4 Flip-a-Gram Project Get on your phone.
Download the Flip-a-Gram app or another app where you can make a collage or a photo slideshow. Place your best 6 photos from Monday’s assignment onto a slideshow. Add music to the slideshow that enhances the mood of your photos. On a sheet of paper, write an expanded caption for each of the photos that you have placed on the slideshow. We will present the slideshows tomorrow and turn in the written captions.

5 Presentations Turn in captions in your class’ basket.
Take out a sheet of paper: Label one column with numbers. The nest column will have a reflection of each person’s slideshow. Make a check for each of the items they achieve: Were you able to tell which angles they used? Did they music enhance the mood? Did you find the perspective to be unique? WE WILL USE THIS DATA TO VOTE FOR THE BEST PRESENTATION

6 Make a module/infographic
In your groups, decide whether you will make a module OR an infographic. Create the following for your topic: An angle (What are you trying to find out and show?) Interview questions- open-ended, meaningful, interesting Who will you interview? Will you have pictures? (PROBABLY) What will you module/infographic look like? YOU MUST SHOW ME A PLAN BEFORE YOU CAN GO GET INTERVIEWS. Complete the module in the yearbook program OR the Infographic by creating a free account on

7 Door decorating contest
This isn’t just for fun, this is for marketing. In a group of no more than 4, decide on a theme that incorporates both fall/Halloween AND something about our Yearbook. Incorporate the phrase “Find Your Way” Assign group members to bring supplies from home if you need them. I will only have butcher paper and a few markers/small selection of paints. Think about your TARGET AUDIENCE and how you can appeal to them You will have Monday-Thursday to complete the decorations and FRIDAY to hang it up.

8 Fonty Fliers Get together with a partner. Login to a computer. You and your partner will 1. Discuss a slogan that is appropriate for this time of year or things that students are interested in right now, and create a slogan for a flier to encourage students to purchase a YB 2. Go into Microsoft Word and create a flier using two interesting fonts that have your slogan on it 3. Create a practice sheet that has three examples of font pairings showing your slogan so that I can see that you experimented mixing/matching fonts before you picked the best one. 4. Print the practice page with 3 pairs of fonts and print the final flier you think is the best- 2 separate pages You must include the following in addition to your slogan: Pay $75 at the Banker to get your yearbook Both pages due tomorrow

9 Headlines (do an example in class and then do two on your own)
Key Word (What is literally happening in the photo) Rhyme Synonym Alliteration Pun

10 Pick 2 pictures and Create Headlines for them

11 Theme choice project In a group of NO MORE THAN 4, you are going to:
Choose a theme for next year’s book. Make sure that the theme is Repeatable, (we can use it numerous times throughout the book), and Clever/Unique, (Hasn’t been done 1,000 times). On a piece of poster paper, you will glue/tape the following items regarding your theme: Proposed Cover A list of quick statement headlines that we can use throughout the book A sketch of the opening spread (tie it to the title) Proposed folio tabs A 1 paragraph description of WHY it is a good theme for OUR SCHOOL. YOU CAN LOOK AT OTHER BOOKS AS A REFERENCE. DUE FRIDAY.

12 Gallery Walk Get a sheet of paper. Fold it so that you have four columns. Label each column: 1. THEME 2. POSITIVE ASPECTS OF THEME 3. WHAT WOULD BE HARD ABOUT MAKING THIS THEME HAPPEN? 4. LEVEL OF PREFERENCE ON A SCALE OF 1-10

13 Career research Go online. Google jobs that involve a skill you learned in this class, such as working with a magazine or newspaper, teaching, writing, sales, publishing, or working at Jostens, etc. Write the 5 W’s of the job Job title, what the job entails, where you would need to live to do this job. What kind of education you need to get this job What experience you need to get this job Would this be a job you would like to have? Why or why not? Due Wednesday

14 Potluck Extravaganza Make a Powerpoint about what you are going to bring to the potluck. One slide for each bulletpoint: 1. What is it? (Include a picture) 2. What are the ingredients? 3. What cultural significance does this food have? 4. How do you make this item? STEP BY STEP 5. Why did you choose to bring this to share with the class? YOU WILL HAVE TODAY, TOMORROW, AND WEDNESDAY TO FINISH THIS PRESENTATION. YOU WILL PRESENT THIS ON FRIDAY. BRING IT ON FRIDAY SO WE CAN EAT IT.

15 Make a Commercial to sell yearbooks
In groups of 2-5, you will come up with an idea for a commercial to sell yearbooks. Write a script Assign roles Film it. Edit it. The end.

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