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Nationalism and Sectionalism

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Presentation on theme: "Nationalism and Sectionalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationalism and Sectionalism
1815 to 1825

2 Cultural Nationalism Gilbert Stuart

3 Cultural Nationalism Charles Wilson Peale

4 Cultural Nationalism John Turnbull

5 Economic Nationalism Henry Clay’s American System Protective Tariff
National Bank Internal Improvements

6 Economic Sectionalism
“W” The Panic of 1819 When Where What Why

7 Political Nationalism
Following the assumed victory of the War of 1812, and the Federalist’s secession plot, there was one party in the U.S.—the Democratic Republican Party Look at the election results from the 1816 and 1820 elections and analyze how the results reflect political nationalism.

8 1816

9 1820

10 Political Sectionalism
What issues from the years 1815 to 1825 stained the nationalistic spirit of the Democratic Republican Party? Give examples.

11 Supreme Court Nationalism
Explain how the following Supreme Court cases were examples of nationalism. (AMSCO pg. 154) Fletcher v. Peck--1810 Martin v. Hunter’s Lease--1816 Dartmouth College v. Woodward--1819 McCulloch v. Maryland--1819 Gibbons v. Ogden--1821

12 Western Settlement and Sectionalism
When, Where, What the Missouri Compromise THEN Cause and Effect the Missouri Compromise Question—Why was a compromise needed for Missouri and how would this continue to be an issue as land from the LP was settled?

13 Foreign Affairs and Nationalism
Although James Monroe is given credit for many of these diplomatic successes, it was his Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams and his aggressive, nationalistic foreign policy is responsible for the following successes. Rush Bagot—1817 Treaty of 1818 Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819 The Monroe Doctrine 1823

14 Economy and Nationalism
The Industrial Revolution in Europe had taken off by the mid to late 1700s. If you recall, A. Hamilton promoted industrial development in the U.S. as part of his economic plan. Following the War of 1812 there was a industrial boom in the U.S. that was supported and encouraged by the D-R Party. Question: Do you find that odd given what you know about Jeffersonian Republicanism?

15 Economic Nationalism The American System promoted internal improvement, although Pres. James Monroe and other key party figures did not think the federal govt had the power to funds these roads, bridges, etc. States were left to do these improvements. Give examples for each as a nationalism Roads Canals Steamboats railroads

16 Growth of Industry How did the following contribute to the rapid rise of manufacturing in in years 1800 to 1860? Mechanical inventions Corporations Factory Systems Labor Unions

17 Effects of the Market Revolution
How did the Market Revolution impact the following: Women 2. Economic and social mobility 3. Slavery

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