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The Coursework L/O: To consider what we have studied to date and how I can use it in my coursework.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coursework L/O: To consider what we have studied to date and how I can use it in my coursework."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coursework L/O: To consider what we have studied to date and how I can use it in my coursework.

2 The AOs AO1: Writing Use clear and accurate written expression to communicate your ideas. Use relevant terminology to define narrative devices used. AO2: Analysis Close analysis of the language, structure and form of the text and how they shape meaning. AO3: Interpretation Explore links between the texts you have studied, looking for similarities and differences through concept of tragedy Evaluate alternative interpretations of the texts you have studied, drawing on your wider critical reading. AO4: Context Show an understanding of how the social, historical or literary context (tragedy!) has had an impact on the text you are studying.

3 So far, so what? Read and analysed the play (orally) (AO2)
Aristotle theories and terms (AO1, 3 & 4) Modern European tragedy (Domestic) (AO3 & 4) Modern American tragedy – Arthur Millar (AO3 & 4) Intro to the book (AO1, 2, 3 & 4) Roots and European influences (links to past and present forms of tragedy) p xxiii Plot and structure p xxix Stanley and anti-hero p xxxi Stella p xxxv Blanche as protagonist p xxxviii + The World I live In – a self interview by Williams Regarding Streetcar – an essay by Millar for the introduction to a copy of the play

4 What’s next? Choose a task that suits your ability and interests, AND will hit all of the AOs. Write clearly using the terminology you have been taught/ using the techniques by Williams Be specific and focused = better analysis Locate the work in the tragic genre – a debate/argument gets better marks (essay), so both Aristotle AND Miller minimum. Contextualise the play through the genre of tragedy AND social/historical factors With a partner, consider some possible focuses/titles for your coursework… would they cover the AOs?

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