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Critical Pathways to Sustainable Cities

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1 Critical Pathways to Sustainable Cities
Sustainable Consumption and Production Considerations in Ecocity Design by UCHITA DE ZOYSA


3 UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

4 Human Greed ‘greed and envy demand continuous and limitless economic growth of a material kind, without proper regard for conservation, and this type of growth cannot possibly fit into a finite environment.’ UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

5 The Development Syndrome
“Despite alarming signs of failure throughout its history, the development syndrome has survived until today, but at the price of increasing senility. All along, the efficacy of "development" remained impervious to any counter evidence, but showed remarkable staying power; the concept was repeatedly stretched until it included both the strategy which inflicted the injury and the strategy designed for therapy. This strength of the concept, however, is also the reason for its galloping exhaustion; it no longer manifests any reactions to changing historical conditions. The tragic greatness of ‘development’ consists in its monumental emptiness.” Wolfgang Sachs UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

6 The Dilemma of Growth The Continuing Status: The ecosystems that sustain our economies are collapsing due to rising consumption. The Chosen Path: In an economy that is founded on growth, growth is essential for stability. The Great dilemma: growth is unsupportable (in its current form) and lack of growth is unstable (under current conditions). Refusing to resolve this would be the worst threat. The Obvious Alternative: Path to prosperity should not rely on continued growth …unless we can radically lower the environmental impact of economic activity UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

7 Replacing GDP Sarkozy ; “the financial crisis would oblige the world to change its ways to improve the measurement of economic growth and correct the deficiencies of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicators; find new ways to measure growth that would take into account social well-being. “ Prof. Stiglitz: “It is time for our statistics system to put more emphasis on measuring the well-being of the population than on economic production.” Sarkozy Commissioned Report on Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, 2009) UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

8 Leveling Growth Sustainability Growth Degrowth Quality of Growth,
Inclusive Growth, Distributive Growth… Equity & Wellbeing Localization, Sufficiency… Green Growth, Green Productivity, Resource Efficiency… Sustainability Growth Degrowth UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

9 Population Growth World population is to reach 9 billion by 2050
2-3 billion people will join the ranks of the middle class by 2030 Projected rises in GDP of developing countries expected to accompany a three-fold increase in the number of middle-income consumers. Will have to manage increased demand for goods and services due to consumption of emerging economies, population growth and economic development UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

10 Genuine Progress “When we hear that the Gross National Product has grown, instead of cheering, we should ask exactly what has grown, for whom, at what cost, and at whose expense. Even better, we should work to develop indicators of national progress that reflect more accurately our real value and our real welfare.” Donella Meadows, 1988 UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

11 Pathways to Happiness The four pillars of GNH sustainable development
preservation and promotion of cultural values conservation of the natural environment establishment of good governance UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

12 Population Growth World population is to reach 9 billion by 2050
2-3 billion people will join the ranks of the middle class by 2030 Projected rises in GDP of developing countries expected to accompany a three-fold increase in the number of middle-income consumers. Will have to manage increased demand for goods and services due to consumption of emerging economies, population growth and economic development UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

13 Rethinking Cities Over 50% of the world’s population reside in cities
It is projected to reach 80% by 2050.  Cities consume 75% of the world’s natural resources Cities consume 80% of the global energy supply Cities produce approximately 75% of the global carbon emissions. Cities produce 50% of global waste Cities produce 80% of global GDP Cities occupy 3% of the total land surface (source: UNEP) UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

14 The Myth of an Asian Century
“By nearly doubling its share of global gross domestic product (GDP) to 52 percent by 2050, Asia would regain the dominant economic position it held some 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution” (ADB) “Asia’s growth and larger footprint in the global economy will bring new challenges, responsibilities, and obligations. As an emerging global leader, Asia should act as—and be seen as—a responsible global citizen.” (ADB) UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

15 The Potential Asian Meltdown
“The possibility of a “perfect storm” cannot be ruled out in thinking about Asia through A combination of bad macro policies, finance sector exuberance with lax supervision, conflict, climate change, natural disasters, changing demography, and weak governance could jeopardize Asian growth. In this worst case—or doomsday—scenario, Asia could stumble into a financial meltdown, major conflict, Or regionwide chaos well before It is impossible to quantify This scenario, but Asia’s leaders must Be aware of the potential for such a catastrophe and avoid it at all Costs.” (ADB) Increasing inequality within countries Middle Income Trap Intense competition for finite natural resources Rising income disparities across countries Global warming and climate change Poor governance and weak institutional capacity UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

16 Planetary Boundaries and the Safe and Just Space for Humanity
UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

17 ‘the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized countries, which is a matter of grave concern, aggravating poverty and imbalances.’ AGENDA 21 UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

18 Consumption & Production Systems
‘SCP is a systemic process of lifestyle and livelihood behaviours that ensures the wellbeing of all people in an equitable manner while conserving the ecology for current and future generations.’ UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

19 Planning for Sustainability
“Cradle to Cradle design refocuses product development from a process aimed at limiting end-of-pipe liabilities to one geared to creating safe, healthful, high-quality products right from the start.” — William McDonough and Michael Braungart Peoples Sustainability Treaties draws common principles; 1: The Earth Integrity and Planetary Boundaries Principle 2: Subsiarity and the Resilience-by-Localization Principle 3: The Equity, Dignity and Justice Principle 4: The Inclusive Governance Principle 5: Beyond-GDP and the Sufficiency Principle 7: Internalizing Externalities and the Precautionary-Polluter-Pays Principle 8: The Restitution of Natural Capital and Human Capital Principle Green Washing vs. Sustainable Design UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

20 The Mindful Pathway Design for “sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods”. Design for “equity” Design for ‘sufficiency’ Design for “sustainable economies” based prosperity Design for ‘wellbeing & happiness for all’ Design for ‘mindfulness’ UCHITA DE ZOYSA - Global Sustainability Solutions - Centre for Environment & Development - Peoples Sustainability Treaties

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