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Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm Date: 9th January 2017 – 3rd April 2017

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1 Dance Club @ Parsonage Farm
Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm Date: 9th January 2017 – 3rd April 2017 11 weeks (excl. Half Term and INSET 27/2) Cost: £33.00 (equal to £3.00 per session) Note: Payments are due Termly in Advance, please refer to our terms and conditions for further details, available upon request. If making the full payment is not possible but you would still like your child to attend the club, please contact Hannah to discuss payment options. The club is open to children in Years 1 and 2 and will take place in the school hall. Classes combine a range of styles including Street Dance and Commercial Jazz, as well as giving dancers the opportunity to create their own moves! All children should wear comfortable clothing, no jeans or skirts and bring a small bottle of water with them. Places are limited so please return your form and payment (cash/cheque, or for online payment details contact us) to confirm your place. For details contact Hannah: Please make cheques payable to “Gremlin Dance Ltd.” and complete the booking form below. Please hand in to the school office. Parsonage Farm Infant School – Spring Term 2017 Child’s Name Age Parent Name Tel No. Address Emergency Contact Name and Tel No. Amount Enclosed Cash/cheque Medical Information Managing Director: Hannah Mott Company Registration No

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