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Imam Sadiq (as) and Jaber Ibn Hayyan (Part II)

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Presentation on theme: "Imam Sadiq (as) and Jaber Ibn Hayyan (Part II)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imam Sadiq (as) and Jaber Ibn Hayyan (Part II)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) Reference: The Great Muslim Scientist and Philosopher, Jafar As-Sadiq

2 Difference between humans and inorganic substances
Jaber asked: “Why is there so much difference between human beings and inorganic substances and why are they (human beings) more like animals and plants than inanimate objects?” Imam replied: “Inorganic substances follows some fixed and unchanging laws, while humans do not.” “That is why they are always and everywhere, more or less, alike, but humans differ from one another.” “Every person differs from the other in intelligence, aptitude, aspirations, taste, skills, and so on.”

3 Difference between humans and inorganic substances contd.
“Another difference is that inorganic substances have no desires but humans have.” “Since inorganic substances follow fixed laws, there are few differences in the properties of a substance from one place to another and it is possible to predict what changes it will undergo in the future.” “There are so many factors which affect the life of a person and influence his decisions that he himself does not know what he would do next.”

4 Difference between humans and inorganic substances contd.
“Plants and animals are like humans, because they are governed by changing laws.” “Although humans have some common desires, such as the desire to eat, drink, sleep, mate, yet there are so many differences among them that they have split into many groups and fight each other.”

5 Why Muslims are not united?
“The Prophets, advised people to follow the laws made by their Lord so that they may also have some common thoughts and actions.” “It was, no doubt, a very strong cementing force.” “Muslims are not united simply because they do not follow the laws of Islam sincerely, although they worship the same Allah, offer their prayers towards the same Kaaba 5 times a day, and fast in the same month of Ramadan.”

6 Why Qibla direction was changed?
Jaber said: “Since you have mentioned the Kaaba, please let me know why the Holy Prophet changed the Qibla towards Kaaba, while offering prayers?” Imam replied: “He did it by the Command of Allah.” Jaber asked: “Why did Allah change the Qibla. Does He not have absolute knowledge?”

7 Why Qibla direction was changed?
“When He knew what would happen in future, he should have given an order which was not to be changed at all.” “We change our minds and our decisions because of our ignorance. We do something today and after some time we realise that we were wrong.” “We learn by experience and change our course of action. But Allah, Who is All-Knowing, does not make mistakes and learn by experience.”

8 Allah is All-Knowing Imam replied: “In your argument you have taken into account only the knowledge of Allah and His Commands and have totally ignored the fact that those orders were issued for human beings, who are subject to constant change.” “They were not for the inorganic substances. That is why the orders and commands of Allah given to the Holy Prophet were different from those, which were given to Moses.”

9 Allah is All-Knowing “Definitely Allah is All-Knowing. He knows what would happen in the future.” “Since the circumstances and requirements of Muslims changed from time to time, He issued orders which were most appropriate at a particular time and under the prevailing circumstances.” “Allah always knew He would first ask Muslims to turn towards Jerusalem, and later order them to turn towards the Kaaba.” “What seems to you as a change of decision was no change at all.”

10 Allah is All-Knowing “Example: Suppose a fly born in the middle of the spring stays alive till winter, it would think that the world has gone topsy turvy, although there was no change in the law of the world.” “Suppose you appoint a person to manage your property for one year but do not tell him that his job is for one year only. When he is removed, he will think you changed your decision, which is incorrect.”

11 Allah is All-Knowing “The Commands of Allah, which seem to be changing are in the same category. He had decided from the very beginning to change the Qibla, but orders were issued at the appropriate time.” “He does not change His mind or His decision.”

12 Reason why Qibla was changed
Jaber said: “One point has been clarified, but another is still haunting my mind. Please tell me why Allah first ordered Muslims to turn towards Jerusalem during their prayers and then asked them to turn to Kaaba later?” Imam said: “In the beginning Muslims were weak and small in number and Jews and Christians were strong and their number was large.” “They could have destroyed Muslims if they had become hostile to them. It was only to pacify them that Muslims were asked to turn towards Jerusalem.”

13 Reason why Qibla was changed
“This had the desired effect. In the beginning Jews and Christians were friendly towards Muslims. But when they turned towards Kaaba, the Jews became hostile.”

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