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A New Look for the NHANES Website (NHANES Tutorial)

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Presentation on theme: "A New Look for the NHANES Website (NHANES Tutorial)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Look for the NHANES Website (NHANES Tutorial)
Rosemarie Hirsch, M.D., M.P.H. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics

2 Here is our new layout, we consolidated our homepage into these 8 main links with two important flashing icons. The new and exciting feature on the homepage is the link to the NHANES web-tutorial.

3 Why was this tutorial created?
NCHS & the National Cancer Institute (NCI) developed the web-based tutorial to meet growing demands of NHANES data users promote broader & more proficient use of NHANES data Efficiently locate pertinent information on the NCHS website site is constantly updated & evolving Quickly retrieve NHANES data files & variables complex structure, may need to merge data large volume of data available Correctly conduct statistical analyses nuances of NHANES data complex sample design weighting requirements data structure

4 Tutorial made up of 17 modules Modules organized into four series
How the Tutorial Works Tutorial made up of 17 modules Modules organized into four series Survey Orientation Preparing Analytic Dataset Survey Design Factors Analyzing Data

5 Survey Orientation 1. Survey Overview 2. Navigate NHANES Website
3. Data Structure & Contents 1st Series

6 Preparing an Analytic Dataset
4. Locate Variables 5. Download Data Files 6. Append & Merge Datasets 7. Clean & Recode Data 8. Format & Label Variables 9. Save Datasets 2nd series

7 Survey Design Factors 10. Sample Design 11. Weighting
12. Variance Estimation 3rd series

8 NHANES Analyses 13. Descriptive Statistics 14. Hypothesis Testing
15. Age Standardization & Population Estimates 16. Linear Regression/ Multivariate Analyses 17. Logistic Regression 4th series – currently under development Users at 2006 DUC asked us not to wait until it was finished to make it public Even the help with navigating the web and finding the right variables would “save weeks of work”

9 Each module is free-standing
How the Tutorial Works Each module is free-standing Can start anywhere & move around as you wish later modules often build on previous ones greater level of statistical & epidemiologic knowledge assumed for later modules

10 “Jump Start Guide” Link

11 Read - “How the Tutorial Works” Use “Navigation Bar” to Pick Topics

12 “Key Concepts” link “How to” link

13 “Key Concepts” pop-up window
“Print Text” button “Key Concepts” pop-up window Using Task 2 – “Find Datasets” as my example here

14 How the Tutorial Works Format varies, depending on the module type
Navigational layout  - split screen tutorial is on the left live NHANES website on the right Analytic layout Annotated code Animations available in each lay-out

15 “Print Text” button Instructions “Watch Animation” Link Module screens have a “print text” button Includes animated demonstrations watch and hear the steps

16 Annotated Code

17 Download Sample Code

18 What does the tutorial provide?
Simulates a real life experience - conduct analytical project from beginning to end Relevant NHANES data information & nuances Tips & explanations for SAS or SUDAAN programs – STATA code planned Downloadable sample program code & analytical guidance New users - a step-by-step course NHANES data retrieval & analysis Novice & infrequent users - a self-directed learning tool supplement their knowledge of the NHANES database & analysis techniques required Experienced users - a reference highlight NHANES analytic nuances provide sample program code

19 Continuing Professional Education Accreditation
CME - Continuing Medical Education for physicians CNE - Continuing Education in Nursing CEU - Continuing Education and Training details, regarding accrediting organizations and number of credits or hours awarded, are on the NHANES tutorial website Different amounts of credits for type ofcontinuing ed Web details which modules count toward continuing ed credits

20 Knowledge & Skill Requirements
Basic knowledge and skills in: sampling & statistical concepts epidemiological concepts (e.g., prevalence estimates & odds ratios) statistical analyses (e.g., frequently used descriptive & reference statistics, & correctly interpret the results) SUDAAN and/or SAS statistical software. In addition to the knowledge & skills for previous modules, you need…

21 Technical & Software Requirements
To view the tutorial, you need: Internet browser configured to allow pop-up windows Monitor resolution of 800x600 pixels or greater Adobe Acrobat Reader & Adobe Flash 8 player Speakers - not required to view the tutorial are necessary if you want to hear the audio narration for the demonstrations This slide is here for your reference mostly. See the actual website for additional details.

22 Thank You ! Questions?

23 Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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