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Parliamentary Procedure

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1 Parliamentary Procedure

2 Parli Pro Pre-Quiz Write yes if agree, no if disagree
The president may vote on any motion A member may vote against the motion which he/she introduced A member may second the motion which he/she introduced The motion takes effect after the vote is announced by the president Discussion comes immediately after the motion is seconded All amendments must be seconded There can be no dissent in a vote by general consent In the minutes, be sure to include what was said as well as what happened to give information to members The minutes of a meeting list all who were present each time. Committee reports are not seconded since, in effect, they have already been seconded by the committee.

3 What is parliamentary procedure?
Set of rules used to obtain group consensus in solving problems & making decisions Used to carry on orderly group meetings on basis of democratic principles Robert’s Rules of Order is the basis for these rules and serves as the guide or authority for business procedures in many groups and organizations.

4 Democratic Principals
Minority guaranteed right to express its opinion Majority has right to decide all issues Minority expected to abide with decisions made by majority Debate must be fair to all All members free to debate under rules

5 Conducting a Meeting A quorum must be present
An agenda must be prepared before meeting begins

6 Types of Motions Main Subsidiary Introduce business
Establish a committee Approve minutes Subsidiary Amend a main motion Amend an amendment Refer to committee Table a motion

7 Types of Motions Privileged Incidental Adjourn Question of privilege
Previous question Incidental Division of assembly Point of information Point of order

8 Presenting a Motion Rise & request recognition from Prez State motion:
“I move that…” Must be seconded: “I second the motion” Recognition not necessary If not seconded, the motion dies

9 Presenting a Motion 4. Prez restates motion & calls for discussion
5. Prez can leave chair to debate

10 Amending a Motion Rise & be recognized
“I move that we amend the motion by…” Ways to amend: Strike out words Insert words Change words Can amend a motion twice; an amendment once Must be seconded Discussion

11 Voting Order of voting: Methods of voting Secondary amendment first
Primary amendment Main motion Methods of voting Roll call Voice Rising or hands Ballot General consent

12 Voting Ways to measure: Prez can only vote in tie
Majority-51% 2/3 General consent Plurality Prez can only vote in tie Division of assembly: recount of vote Prez announces pass or fail

13 Committees Standing: Special: Headed by chairperson
Appointed to stand for considerable period of time Special: Appointed or elected for specific purpose “ad hoc” committee Headed by chairperson Recommendations not seconded Members vote to accept/reject report

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