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Pedagogical Grammar Focus on form.

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Presentation on theme: "Pedagogical Grammar Focus on form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedagogical Grammar Focus on form

2 Key concepts Synthetic / Analytic syllabuses
Focus on meaning / Focus on FormS (FonfS) / Focus on Form (Fonf) Positive / negative evidence The Interaction Hypothesis

3 Focus on forms (similar to PPP)
Their objections: No sudden complete acquisition Doesn’t accord with Natural Order Doesn’t take into account ‘up-and-down’ learning;

4 Consciousness-raising – input enhancement
Don’t expect systematic progress: just provide for ‘awareness’ of rules Or encourage noticing by ‘input enhancement’

5 Focus on meaning In favour: Natural seems rational
grammatical syllabi have ‘failed’ facilitates unfolding of learner’s internal syllabus; 4 problems: older learners can’t achieve nativelike norms only through positive evidence fossilization, not like NSs unlearnability of some structures through positive evidence alone inefficient

6 Focus on form Takes into account: Beneficial effect of instruction
Attention is important Interaction hypothesis (learn through negotiation of meaning, with occasional focus on form)

7 Focus on form is… ‘Time out’ for occasional focus on a grammatical form, within (before/after) a communicative task, and growing out of it.

8 Ways you can focus on form
Teacher initiates noticing, having noticed a consistent error Design of task to facilitate noticing of a particular form Teacher explains, based on consistent error Negative feedback (recasts) Also: something brought up by a learner

9 In what way does this approach correspond with that of the National Curriculum?

10 Problems? Advantages? Implications?

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