AIM: to what extent has urbanization altered the planet?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: to what extent has urbanization altered the planet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: to what extent has urbanization altered the planet?

2 What is urbanization? Living in a city. The process making rural land more urban i.e.: turning a rural area into a city.

3 Types of Urban Settlements
Early Cities (European) Medieval cities (Feudal City) Colonial City Gateway City Planned City Temporary City

4 Early Cities


6 What buildings tended to serve as the focal point?

7 ?

8 Tikal

9 Tenochtitlan


11 Mexico City



14 Rome

15 Feudal / Medieval (European) Cities

16 Old Amsterdam

17 Medieval Paris

18 19th Century Paris






24 London Docklands

25 Temporary Cities

26 Kraal KwaBulawayo

27 Kraal

28 Karakorum


30 (Modern) Planned Cities
Urban planning



33 ? Washington D.C

34 Yamoussoukra

35 What does this image of Yamoussoukra remind you of?

36 Frequently also “Gateway Cities.” Why?
Colonial Cities Frequently also “Gateway Cities.” Why?

37 Cuzco

38 Take note of the foundation.


40 Maputo (Lourenzo Marques) , Mozambique

41 Maputo

42 Taj Hotel, Mumbai

43 Mumbai

44 Gateway Cities

45 Aim: what are urban hierarchies?

46 (Population) Size US Hierarchy Unincorporated areas Hamlet Village
Town and hinterlands Cities Metropolis Megalopolis (Conurbation) US Hierarchy







53 Aim: what are urban hierarchies?

54 Large City (possible Primate City)
Rank Size Rule Pn=P1/n Exceptions to the rule? Large City (possible Primate City)

55 Rank Size Rule Pn=P1/n 0.5 0.25 0.125 1 Examples?

56 Christaller’s Central Place Theory
City Town Village Hamlet Urban Sprawl Exurbanites Edge Cities Metropolitan Area


58 Central Place Theory as applied to the Tri-State Region

59 More than just population.
Great (World) Cities London New York Tokyo Paris Other Large Cities: Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Chicago, Moscow, Cairo, Kinshasa, Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing… More than just population.

60 World’s Most Populous Cities
Tokyo Guangzhou (Canton) Seoul Shanghai Delhi Mumbai Mexico City New York Sao Paolo Manila What about… Lagos Jakarta Cairo Etc.

61 Aim: how do urban settlements evolve?
Transportation, job opportunities, culture, politics and religion all play a role.

62 Burgess’ Concentric Zone Model
Segregation Suburbs Exurbs Exurbanite Burgess’ Concentric Zone Model

63 Concentric Zone Model

64 Role of transportation

65 Transportation, Edge Cities, the Mall (in the USA), high speed rail in Europe.

66 Alternative culturally influenced models

67 Alternative culturally influenced models

68 Alternative culturally influenced models

69 Fin

70 Burgess’ Concentric Zone Model
Suburbs Exurbs Exurbanite Squatter Camps Ghettoization Gentrification

71 AIM: urban settlements

72 Aim: to what extent are urban settlements subject to urban blight or urban renewal?

73 Suburbs

74 Urban Renewal and Gentrification
What are they? Problems and Benefits? Urban Blight

75 Urban Blight

76 H A R L E M

77 “White Flight” vs. Gentrification

78 Urban Renewal

79 Squatter Camp

80 Favela


82 Ghetto

83 Ghetto


85 Fin


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