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Resisting Our Adversary

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2 Resisting Our Adversary
1 Peter 5: 8-9

3 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy!

4 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy! He’s a predator (“as a roaring lion” in fierce hunger) looking for a victim

5 The devil is YOUR enemy! He’s a predator looking for a victim, someone to devour.
Who is this adversary?

6 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy!
The devil is a deceiver. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

7 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy!
The devil is a deceiver. The devil is a liar, and the father of lies. John 8: 42-47

8 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy!
The devil is a deceiver. The devil is a liar, and the father of lies. The devil is the god of this world. 2 Corinthians 4: 3-4

9 Who is this adversary? The devil is YOUR enemy!
The devil is a deceiver. The devil is a liar, and the father of lies. The devil is the god of this world. The devil, Satan=The accuser.

10 Examples of Tactics Genesis 3: 1-5, the evil one accuses God of lying and being a deciever full of pride.

11 Examples of Tactics Genesis 3: 1-5
Job 1:1, 6-12, ; 2: Notice Satan’s accusations, that Job’s faith and love for God are selfish. Accuses Job of reacting “naturally” and not as a godly person.

12 Examples of Tactics Genesis 3: 1-5 Job 1:1, 6-12, 20-22.; 2: 1-10.
Luke 4: 1-13, the devil tempts Christ challeging Jesus’ diety, authority and integrity.

13 Examples of Tactics In the Garden (beginnings) Job Christ You and Me

14 You and Me


16 Sometimes we fail because...

17 Sometimes we fail because...
our pride

18 Sometimes we fail because...
our pride we fail to trust in the Lord

19 Sometimes we fail because...
our pride we fail to trust in the Lord we stop watching and stop thinking spiritually


21 In summary, we fail... because we let down our guard, become forgetful hearers, become prideful, stop trusting in God, we don’t stand for truth, we don’t resist our enemy, we become friends with the enemies of God. Satan, accuses us of not being loyal to God, and unable to overcome.


23 Get on God’s side Obey Him Remain loyal to Him unto death
Arm yourselves RESIST THE ENEMY!

24 Your life depends on it


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