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iGCSE revision powerpoint 4

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1 iGCSE revision powerpoint 4
There are 79 questions

2 Reproduction 1 – 2 Give two differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. What is a gamete? What is produced when gametes join at fertilisation?

3 Male reproductive system
5-12 – Start top left 13 Where are the sperm made? which two parts produce fluid to nourish sperm?

4 Female reproductive system
16-20 top to bottom 21 – proper name for an egg? 22 – where are eggs produced? 23 – where could they be fertilised?

5 Menstrual cycle 24 – how many days is the average cycle? 25 – on which day is an egg released? 26 – 27 which two hormones are released from the ovaries? 28 – 29 give one function of each of these hormones.

6 Reproduction in plants
30-37 on diagram 38 what is pollination? 39 how does the pollen reach the ovum? 40 – how can plants reproduce asexually?

7 Inheritance 41 – what is the thing on the left? 42 – how many of these in a human? 43 – what’s on the right? 44 – what do the square brackets show?

8 Inheritance 2 45 – what is an allele? 46 – what word describes an allele where only one copy is needed for the feature to show? 47 – the opposite of number – what does homozygous mean? 49 – what does heterozygous mean? 50 – what does genotype mean? 51 – what does phenotype mean?

9 Genetic cross 52 – which characteristic is dominant? 53 – what colour will the offspring be? 54 – if the offspring had babies, what ratio would their colours be? 55 – which sex chromosomes are female?

10 Mitosis If a cell has chromosomes in pairs we describe it as d , if they are single it is h During mitosis, the cell divides o , producing t daughter cells which are genetically i to the original cell. Mitosis occurs during g , r , c and a reproduction.

11 Meiosis During meiosis, the cell divides , producing daughter cells, each with of the original number of chromosomes. This produces genetically cells.

12 Glasshouses 68 – 70 Give three ways in which you could increase the yield of crops in glasshouses. 71 Give a definition of biological control (of pests)

13 Fish 72 – 74 Describe three things that are done to farmed fish to increase their numbers.

14 Genetic engineering 75 – What do we call enzymes that cut DNA at specific sites? 76 – What do we call enzymes that are used to join pieces of DNA together? 77 – What is a plasmid? 78 – What is a vector? 79 – How do you grow large numbers of GM bacteria?

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