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2 General characteristics
The Protozoa are the simplest and most primitive animals. They live either singly or in colonies. Some are parasitic. They are usually defined as "unicellular" animals.

3 Amoeba Habitat: freshwater ponds. Means of locomotion: pseudopodia.
Reproduction mechanism: asexually by binary fission, and under unfavourable conditions it encysts. Shape and characteristics: quite irregular in shape; the body changes its shape constantly with the formation and withdrawal of the pseudopodia. Kingdom :Protista Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Subphylum: Sarcodina Genus : Amoeba Species :Amoeba

4 nucleus Contractile vacuole Food vacuoles Ectoplasm Endoplasm pseudopodia

5 Entamoeba histolytica
Kingdom :Protista Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Subphylum: Sarcodina Genus: Entamoeba Species: Entamoeba histolytica It causes amoebic dysentery. Life cycle: The trophozoite: feeding-dividing form) It has one pseudopodia). Cyst: have 4 nuclei (infective stages( Infective stage: Cyst. Mode of infection: contamination of food and water with cyst. Characteristic features: Cyst have 4 nuclei. Trophozoite have RBCs in their vacuoles.

6 Endamoeba coli: does not cause any known disease
Entamoeba coli Kingdom :Protista Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Subphylum: Sarcodina Genus: Entamoeba Species: Entamoeba coli Endamoeba coli: does not cause any known disease Habitat: large intestine of human . Characteristics: mature cysts have 8 nuclei

7 Euglena Habitat: ponds and stagnant water.
Kingdom :Protista Phylum : Sarcomastigophora Subphylum : Mastigophora Class : Phytomastigophora Genus : Euglena Habitat: ponds and stagnant water. Characteristics: Green in colour (have chloroplasts) Means of locomotion: flagellum Reproduction: asexually by longitudinal binary fission and is able to form a cyst.

8 Flagellum Eyespot Nucleus Chloroplast Second flagellum

9 Trypanosoma Intermediate host: insect or leech
Habitat in intermediate host: alimentary canal Definite host: human. Habitat in definite host: blood of man Causes the disease: sleeping sickness. Means of locomotion: flagellum. Feeding habits: absorbing the nutrient subs­tances from the host. Reproduction: reproduce asexually by longitudinal binary fission. Major characteristics: long slender, undulating a whip-like flagellum. Kingdom : Protista Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Subphylum: Mastigophora Class: Zoomastigophora Genus: Trypanosoma Species: gambiense


11 Means of locomotion: cilia
Paramecium Kingdom : Protista Phylum: Ciliophora Genus: Paramecium Means of locomotion: cilia Habitat: freshwater ponds where decaying organic matter is abundant, feeding on it and on bacteria and other micro -organisms. Reproduction: asexually by transverse binary fission, and sexually by conjugation .

12 Characteristics: the numerous cilia covering the whole surface of the body. They have two contractile vacuoles and two nuclei: a large oval macro­nucleus (for vegetative functions), and a small micronucleus (for reproduction).

13 Causes the disease: malaria fever to man.
Plasmodium malariae Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Apicomplexa Class: Sporozoa Genus: plasmodium Species: Plasmodium malaria Trophozoite: Habitat: live intracellu­larly in the blood corpuscles of its vertebrate host. Causes the disease: malaria fever to man. Vector: a mosquito belonging to the genus Anopheles.

14 Life cycle Asexual stage Sexual stage human mosquito


16 feeding and growing stages in red cells 4. Formation of Merozoites
2. Trophozoite stage feeding and growing stages in red cells 5. Release of merozoites 1. Ring stage Immature trophozoite 6. Macrogametocyte sexual blood stages 6. Microgametocyte 4. Formation of Merozoites 3. Schizont

17 Under The microscope

18 2 3 1 الأميبا (Amoeba) 1- نواة Nucleus 2- أرجل كاذبة Pseudopodia 3- فجوة غذائية Food vacuole

19 حوصلة انتاميبا كولاي Entamoeba coli
1 2 3 حوصلة انتاميبا كولاي Entamoeba coli 1- جدار الحويصلة Cyst Wall 2- (4-8) أنوية Nuclei 3- سيتوبلازم Cytoplasm

20 حوصلة انتاميبا هستوليتكا Entamoeba histolytica
1 2 3 حوصلة انتاميبا هستوليتكا Entamoeba histolytica 1- جدار الحويصلة Cyst Wall 2- (1-4) أنوية Nuclei 3- سيتوبلازم Cytoplasm اعداد الأستاذة/ أفراح الخريجي

21 1 3 2 اليوجلينا (Euglena) 1- السوط Flagellum 2- فجوة متقبضة Contractile vacuole 3- نواة Nucleus

22 التريبانوسوما (Trypanosoma)
1 2 3 4 التريبانوسوما (Trypanosoma) 1- كريات دم حمراء Red blood cell 2- السوط Flagellum 3- غشاء متموج Undulating membrane 4- نواة Nucleus

23 البراميسيوم (Paramecium)
1 4 2 3 4 البراميسيوم (Paramecium) 1- أهداب Cilia 2- نواة كبيرة macronucleus 3- نواة صغيرة micronucleus 4- فجوة متقبضة Contractile vacuole

24 البلازموديوم Plasmodium
1 2 البلازموديوم Plasmodium 1- الطور الحلقي Ring Stage 2- كريات دم حمراء Red blood cell

25 البلازموديوم Plasmodium
1 2 البلازموديوم Plasmodium 1- الطور الأميبي Amoeboid stage 2- كريات دم حمراء Red blood cell

26 البلازموديوم Plasmodium
1 2 البلازموديوم Plasmodium 1- الشيزونت( تكوين الميروزيتات ) Schizonte(formation of merozoites) 2- كريات دم حمراء Red blood cell

27 البلازموديوم Plasmodium
1 2 البلازموديوم Plasmodium 1- إنطلاق الميروزيتات Release of merozoites 2- كريات دم حمراء Red blood cell

28 Thank you for attention

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