Primary Newsletter – Friday 22nd September 2017

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 22nd September 2017
Dear Parents/Carers LATE SUMMER FAYRE Many thanks to the children. parents and families who came to, or helped out at our Late Summer Fayre last Saturday. It was a truly wonderful day, with money being raised for our school charity, Lewisham Hospital Children’s Ward. I would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Morton and Mrs Forrest, as without all of their hard work and effort, the event would not have been possible. YEAR 4 TRIP This week, our year four children attended the Horniman museum to learn about living creatures and their habitats. They attended a workshop looking at the desert, water, arctic and woodland habitats. They also got hands on with animals and bones in an interactive experience. They explored the Natural History Gallery and Nature Base, where they learned more about different animals, met the famous walrus and even saw a bee hive! SMA SECONDARY OPEN SEASON If your child is in Year 6. they are due to start secondary school in September All Year 6 Parents are invited to come along to our Open Mornings and Evenings, where you will be shown around the Secondary Phase and will be supported in the application process. The dates are: Tuesday 26th September 5pm – 8pm Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September 9am – 11.30am Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th October 9am – 11.30am If your child is in Year 5 and you would like an early look around our Secondary Phase, you are also more than welcome to attend. . NEW RECEPTION WELCOME ASSEMBLY We would like to invite all parents and carers of our new reception children in Phase 1 to a special Welcome Assembly on Friday 29th September at 2pm in the main hall. You will join us in welcoming our new children to St Matthew Academy will be given the opportunity to meet your child’s school ‘Buddy’. Please arrive at the Main Reception at 1.50pm for a prompt start.

2 Independence and Versatility.
Let Your Light Shine CELEBRATIONS Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week.’ They are awarded the title for working really hard on one of our school priorities: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 25th September All New Reception children starting full day. Tuesday 26th September SMA Secondary Open Evening 5pm – 8pm 28h and 29th September SMA Secondary Open Mornings 9am – 11.30am Friday 29th September McMillan Coffee Morning for parents and families 8.40am – 9.30am New Reception Welcome Assembly 2pm 3rd and 4th October Wednesday 4th October Phase 1 Phonics Workshop for parents 8.45am and 3.30pm Friday 6th October 6E Class assembly 2pm – Main Hall Wednesday 11th October Reception 2018 Open Morning Friday 13th October 5E Class assembly 2pm – Main Hall Tuesday 17th October Parents Evening 3.45pm – 6.45pm Wednesday18th October Friday 20th October 4E Class assembly 2pm – Main Hall Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October Half term – school closed Bumblebee Class Aicha Shefiff Frog Class Valentine Chaza Dragonfly Class Amelia Kinghorn 2E Anessia Bez 2W Kelis Aka 3E Alpha Diallo 3W Anastasia Alexeev 4E Evaluna Hernandez Molina 4W Leah Riley 5E Daniel Olubodun 5W Elijah Brown 6E Christian Omangelo 6W Betsaleel N’Guessan PUNCTUALITY WINNERS ATTENDANCE WINNERS Punctuality Panda was awarded to: Attendance Cup was awarded to: Class Bumblebee Class 5E and Bumblebee GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners from last week who displayed excellent manners in school: Year 1: Kai and Prince Year 2: Mariana and Adhil Year 3: Jasmine and Moses Year 4: Jeremiah and Lois Year 5: Michelle and Subhan Year 6: Fanta and Aliyah MCMILLAN COFFEE MORNING We are holding a McMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September in the Primary Hall. Parents are invited to attend from 8.40am – 9.30am. All Primary classes will then have the opportunity to go down and purchase cakes, so if you are able to provide your child with a 50p donation on that day, the money will go to a worthy cause. PRIMARY LUNCHES If your child is in Year 3, they no longer have the universal free school meals that are available to Year 2 and below, and a payment for the meals needs to be made. You can pay online via . If you haven’t activated your account already, please stating your child’s full name and they will you the activation details. If you think that you child may be entitled to free school meals, then please ask at the main reception for a Pupil Premium Funding form. Have a wonderful weekend Mrs Beckley Head of Primary

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