The INFN TIER1 Regional Centre

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1 The INFN TIER1 Regional Centre
L. Gaido INFN – Torino GDB Meeting - Taipei, March 10th 2003

2 The INFN TIER1 Project Location: CNAF – Bologna
Multi-Experiment TIER1: ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb (+ VIRGO + CDF + BaBar). Support to Tier2 and Tier3 Centers. Resources: Assigned to Experiments on a Yearly Plan. Usage by other countries will be regulated by MoU or Bilateral Agreements. Authentication: Certificates (INFN CA + GRID) and/or Kerberos5. Key role in Data Challenges (2002) Strong collaboration with the Grid projects (DataGRID, DataTAG, INFN-GRID, GLUE)

3 Resources (march 2003) Type Description 14 dual 800Mhz 10K SPECint2000
Procom NAS 17 TB Raw RAID5 EIDE NAS 2.5 TB Raw RAID5 SCSI disks 2 TB Raw RAID5 FiberChannel disks 10.5 TB Raw RAID5 STK L180 library 3.6 TB / 8 TB (comp.) LTO Drives 15 TB / 30 TB (comp.) 6 Switches (1/2U) 48 UTP FE + 2 FO GE 1 Switch (1.5 U) 24 UTP GE + 4 FO GE 1 Core Switch 32 FO GE Netw. 288 UTP FE 24 UTP GE 48 FO GE Capacity Tapes CPU Disks 209 KSI2K 32 TB 15/30 TB

4 TIER1 Resources evolution
N.B: resources are allocated statically to the experiments

5 Farms 1U dual Pentium III e 4 clock: 800 MHz up to 2.2 GHz
2 disks 18 or 40 GB/Node RAM: 512MB up to 2GB/Node 1 or 2 48FE + 2GE Switches per rack Single TFT console via KVM 160 Dual CPU presently installed

6 TIER1 Resources (tapes)
Now: - the tape library holds 180 tapes (15 TB without compression) - interface to CASTOR available Second half of 2003: - new computing room  room and resources will double - new tape library  2000 to 5000 tapes

7 CPU allocation (2002) KSI2000 week CDF GRID CNAF VIRGO LHCb CMS ATLAS
160 140 CDF 120 100 GRID KSI2000 80 CNAF 60 VIRGO 40 LHCb 20 CMS ATLAS 1/7/02 2/7/02 3/7/02 4/7/02 5/7/02 6/7/02 7/7/02 8/7/02 9/7/02 10/7/02 11/7/02 12/7/02 ALICE week

8 Disk allocation (2002) CDF GRID TBytes TEST VIRGO LHCb CMS 1/1/02
30 CDF 25 20 GRID TBytes 15 TEST 10 VIRGO 5 LHCb CMS 1/1/02 3/1/02 5/1/02 7/1/02 9/1/02 11/1/02 ATLAS ALICE Week

9 Experiment activities summary
ALICE MonteCarlo production (2200 jobs) using Aliroot (12-18 h/Job) on 8 dual-CPU nodes. ATLAS About 30% of the 2002 italian summer production on 20 dual-CPU nodes. CMS Transatlantic production test (DataTAG) on 13 dual-CPU nodes. LHCb MonteCarlo production, 1 million events, (the activest site after CERN) on 45 dual-CPU nodes. VIRGO More than 4 TB of data archived on disk

10 Tier-1 resources (personnel)
A dedicated team (12 people) provides the services for the Regional Center: - general services (infrastructure, operating systems, security, storage, tape library and network) - “application” services (CASTOR, LCFG, grid, application support, etc.) The Tier-1 team will support LCG activities in coordination with the grid teams (INFN-GRID, DataGrid, DataTAG, Grid.IT).

11 Networking Internal LAN on Gigabit Ethernet (F/O)
New GARR-G Backbone with 2.5 Gbps F/O lines already in place CNAF- Tier1 access is now 1Gbps. International Connectivity via Geant: 2.5 Gbps access in Milano and 2x2.5 Gbps Geant links with US (Abilene) already in place.

12 GARR-G Pilot Infrastructure
GEANT 34 Mbps PD LNL 2.5 Gbps TO 155 Mbps MI 2.5 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 2.5 Gbps PI BO TIER1 CNAF 2.5 Gbps 1 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 2.5 Gbps RM Torino and Legnaro (LNL) are going to be connected to a GigaPOP

13 CNAF bandwidth utilization (march 7th.)

14 LCG The INFN Tier-1 is participating to the LCG Pilot Strong coordination among INFN Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites with the goal of providing the same LCG “service” level LCG Release 0 is being installed at CNAF/Tier-1 (today!) Three Tier-2 prototypes (Legnaro, Milano and Torino) are going to join the pilot soon The INFN Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites will be part of the LCG production testbed (LCG-1)

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