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21st century Public Health: improving health and wellbeing and saving money by turning ideas into practice that also support Sustainable Development Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "21st century Public Health: improving health and wellbeing and saving money by turning ideas into practice that also support Sustainable Development Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st century Public Health: improving health and wellbeing and saving money by turning ideas into practice that also support Sustainable Development Faculty of Public Health Sustainable Development Special Interest Group 20 June :00 to 15:00 The Atcham Suite

2 Aim of the Session How can Public Health colleagues address health improvement and determinants of health for current and future generations? How can we communicate to influence and act on the broad determinants of health at a system, community and individual level? 1 update public health colleagues, about the latest guidance and progress. 2 provide opportunities for colleagues to contribute ideas and good practice that demonstrate leadership in environmental sustainability. 3 short presentations about the evidence, guidance and progress for Sustainable Public Health and Climate Change, 4 discussion The outputs of this session will inform the work of the Special Interest group in and will support Faculty members and registrars in achieving their competencies and continuing professional development. The outcomes will improve health and wellbeing, save money and address climate change and sustainable development targets. This session is important for the development of the Public Health workforce and for the health and wellbeing of the population at a time of scarce resources and particularly Directors of Public Health, Consultants in Public Health, Registrars and the wider Public Health workforce.

3 Agenda Helen Ross – Chair of the FPH Sustainable Development Special Interest Group Amanda Donnelly – Soil Association Food for Life Darryl Quantz – Registrar David Pencheon – Sustainable Development Unit & Faculty of Public Health Gemma Partridge - NICE Questions and feedback

4 Faculty of Public Health 2016 Sustainable development:
“The science and art of promoting and protecting health and well-being, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society.” Faculty of Public Health 2016 Sustainable development: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Brundtland Commission 1987

5 Public Health Specialty Training Curriculum 2015
1. INTRODUCTION AND GUIDE TO CURRICULUM The Faculty of Public Health actively promotes sustainability and mitigation of climate change. The Faculty of Public Health believes that sustainability and carbon reduction are fundamental to all core competency areas of the curriculum statement and are essential to ensure continuing improvement of quality public services.

6 FPH Key Competence 5 Health Improvement, Determinants of Health, and Health Communication To influence and act on the broad determinants of health at a system, community and individual level. Learning Outcome: 5.7 Demonstrate leadership in environmental sustainability with a focus on the links to health and climate change.

7 FPH Sustainable Development SIG
Strategic Aim To inform and develop the FPH approach to Sustainable Development and Climate Change through developing, promoting and advocating for: whole system approaches to health and care services partnerships and alliances that achieve positive sustainable development good health through engagement with the natural environment management practices that take account of the limits of the earths resources and reduce our impact Although this map is very familiar to everyone, the real power is to show that by taking the ecosystem, the natural, built, economic, and social environments seriously, everything else is much easier to improve Health Map Barton and Grant Based on Dahlgren and Whitehead 1991

8 Why does good food matter?
Health Economy Environment Public Health Tackle health inequalities Tackle overweight and obesity, especially in childhood Improve self-esteem, emotional health & wellbeing Improve the local food economy (and job market) Reduce social isolation and loneliness in older people Education Closing the Gap: children ready to learn, behaviour, attainment School meal services need to be viable Good food culture integration into the wider curriculum

9 Food for Life impact

10 Food for Life We want to make good food the easy choice for everyone, whoever and wherever they are. An approach A series of programmes A movement of people who want change Prof Kevin Morgan Senedd Paper for the National Assembly for Wales, 2015 Food for Life is one of the most inspirational social experiments of our time

11 Sustainable Food Cities
Establish a city/county-wide cross-sector partnership of public agencies (health, environment, economy), businesses, NGOs, community organisations and academic bodies. Develop a joint vision and set of clear common goals on how they would like to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live. Work together to develop and implement a food strategy/action plan (policy and on the ground programmes) to transform food culture and the food system. Working together to normalise ‘good’ food

12 SFC 6 Key Areas Sustainability is a very broad concept and is about direction of travel rather than reaching a specific destination, so no one definition is ever perfect. In developing their programmes, however, many places have found it useful to think about food across six areas: 1. Promoting healthy and sustainable food to the public 2. Tackling food poverty, diet-related ill health and access to affordable healthy food 3. Building community food knowledge, skills, resources and projects 4. Promoting a vibrant and diverse sustainable food economy 5. Transforming catering and food procurement 6. Reducing waste and the ecological footprint of the food system

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