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US and the Road to 911.

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1 US and the Road to 911

2 Cold War Policies so Far Include… DO NOW
Rate US strategies to winning the Cold War so far Domestic Issues 1. 2. 3. Global Issues 1. 2. 3. US Policies 1. 2. 3.


4 US and Cuba Clip Century Series 1. Batista Overthrown

5 Bay of Pigs
Region Latin America: Cuba Place the events in chronological order US attempts to invade Cuba Castro overthrows Batista Cuban missile Crisis Castro nationalized businesses Cuba turns to Soviets for aid US cuts off trade

6 So Far Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Castro (right) replaces Batista (below) in 1959

7 If you were Castro would you want the authorization to launch the nukes (full access)?
Fog of War Clip

8 Cuban Missile Crisis Place the events in chronological order
Russia and Cuba become allies Missiles removed in Cuba and Turkey JFK quarantines Cuba Russia send nukes to Cuba US/Cuban tension increases US has missiles in Greece Turkey

9 So Far Greece and Turkey China, Koreas and Vietnam Numerous policies
Domestic Power Point

10 United States of Africa is my dream
Ghana: Kwame Nkrumah United States of Africa is my dream

11 Ghana Region Africa Location: Ghana
Place the events in chronological order Nkrumah uses socialist ideals WWII ends US withdraws aid Nkrumah gains aid from US Atlantic Charter inspires Kwame Nkrumah becomes first President

12 I support Ayatollah Khomeini
Libya and Gaddafi I support Ayatollah Khomeini

13 Libya Place the events in chronological order
Qadhafi overthrows King Idris US cuts aid Qadafi kicks out capitalist and communists End of WWII King Idris in power Berlin Conference Qadafi supports Khomeini

14 I Iran=Shia Shah Mossadiq Ayatollah Khomeini

15 Iran Region Middle East and Asia Location: Iran
Place the events in chronological order Iranian politician replaced with Shah Khomeini overthrows Shah Britain controls Iranian oil Iranian politician nationalizes oil Shah rules like dictator against Islam British blockade US gets involved

16 Iraq=Sunni Iraq invades Kuwait early 90s Location: Iraq
_____Place the events in chronological order 1. Khomeine leads revolution 2. Sadam Hussein fears Shia Sunni difference 3. Iraq attacks Iran 4. Iran has US hostages 5. US arms and helps Sadam 6. US attacks Iraq in early 90s Iraq=Sunni Iraq invades Kuwait early 90s

17 Iraq Location: Iraq Place the events in chronological order
Khomeine leads revolution Iran has US hostages Iraq attacks Iran Sadam Hussein fears Shia Sunni difference US arms and helps Sadam US attacks Iraq in early 90s

18 Pakistan and India 1947: Both locations were territory originally claimed by the British. Two nations were created out of fear of Hindu and Muslim oppression. Would Hindus oppress Muslims and vice versa? What role will religion play in the new countries?

19 What does India and Pakistan have to do with the Cold War and 9/11?
Geography US and India become allies but The US needs the help of Pakistan to get weapons to the Mujahideen during the 1980’s India and Pakistan have fought three wars since the 1940’s and when India gets nukes Pakistan wants them also Where was Bin Laden killed?

20 Soviets Invade Afghanistan 1979 and India has nuclear technology (weapons)

21 Bin Laden We have to kick these Russians out of Afghanistan. That is why I left Saudi Arabia to help my Muslim brothers.

22 Hind Helicopter killing many Afghan rebels and civilians

23 Get the Afghan rebels a weapon that shoots down the helicopter (Stinger Missile)

24 Soviet Afghan War Location: Afghanistan
Place the events in chronological order US gets rockets to the rebels Soviets defeated Soviets help communist Karmal gain power Karmal viewed as a puppet revolt begins US helps Afghans and Bin Laden Soviet Afghan War begins "When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn the development of some socialist country towards capitalism, it becomes the only problem of the country concerned, but a common problem and concern of all socialist countries." - Brezhnev Doctrine

25 A. Q. Khan

26 Image shows the location of certain items that A. Q
Image shows the location of certain items that A.Q. Khan was able to get for the development of Pakistan’s nuclear weapon research program. Parts were obtained illegally in direct violation of nuclear proliferation treaties

27 Charlie Wilson If I can get the Afghan rebels that Stinger Missile they will defeat the Soviet Union. My only problem is getting that missile to them through Pakistan

28 Pakistan Location: Pakistan Place the events in chronological order
Soviet Afghan War British leave region Pakistan obtains nuclear weaponry US favors India nuclear technology obtained India Pakistan tensions begin US needs Pakistan

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