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Renaissance & Reformation

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1 Renaissance & Reformation
Chapter 15

2 What was the Renaissance???
Rebirth of thought Ancient Greek & Roman traditions & teachings Architecture, science & medicine Education, Philosophy & Gov’t Art & Literature How do you think? Critical approach – question everything! Why the humanities are important (grammar, lit & hist) How do we get better? 1st Clash of Science & Religion Catholic Church dominated More people learned the greater the conflict b/w science & religion

3 Where did it start? Italy 1300’s Why italy?
Ancient ruins reminded Italians of greatness New cultures means new information Asia, Africa & the Byzantine Thirst for knowledge

4 Economic Influence Trade & Industry
Florence, Milan, Naples, Rome & Venice Citizens were wealthy and educated Merchants & bankers Wealthy became patrons of the Arts Wealthy should provide for artists – educate everyone Pay artists

5 Patrons Isabella d’Este Lorenzo de Medici (the Magnificent)
Educated in languages & poetry Used wealth to support artists & scholars Housed writers, sculptors & painters Lorenzo de Medici (the Magnificent) Wealthy family of bankers – shared w/artists Diplomat & politician Housed artists, scholars & poets (Michelangelo for 5 yrs)

6 Renaissance Thought Renaissance Thought

7 Writers and Artists Francesco Petrarch – 1304- 1374
Scholar & teacher Loved how classical writers were committed to virtue Classical education – study of Greeks & Romans Believed desire for fame would hurt his salvation Niccolo Machiavelli – Florentine diplomat & historian The Prince (1513): essay on how gov’t actually works Rulers: only concern is power & political success

8 Renaissance Art & Artists
Medieval vs. Renaissance Perspective: brought realism to paintings Depth on canvas – distance Da Vinci – Architect, engineer, painter, sculptor & scientist Science helped his painting Last Supper & Mona Lisa

9 Renaissance Artists ctd.
Michelangelo – Sistine Chapel Statue of David Designed St. Peter’s Basilica Rafael – Madonnas – hired by pope to beautify the Vatican Donatello –

10 Northern Renaissance Johannes Gutenberg – 1450
1st printing press (Mainz, Germany) Used to print books – 1st was Bible 1475 used all over Europe – spread humanist ideas

11 Northern Renaissance Writers
Desiderius Erasmus Dutch Blended early Christianity & the classics Critical approach to bible Church lacked spirituality – more complicated The Praise of Folly – heavy criticism of the Church Satire of European superstitions and common religious practices

12 Northern Writers Thomas More English – friend of Erasmus
Utopia 1516 – gov’ts are corrupt Private property causes unnecessary conflict Contrasted Europe and an Ideal society Served King Henry VIII – executed Catholic church made him a saint

13 Northern Writers William Shakespeare
Leading literary figure of the time Well known stories -> dramas Displayed personality & Human emotion Literature peaked in 1500 & Early 1600s Classics – gods punished humans Renaissance – focused on human action not godly

14 Northern Artists Flemish School Jan & Hubert van Eyck
Distinct style influenced by Italian masters Perfected oil painting on canvas Jan & Hubert van Eyck Facial expression specialists Unbelievable realism Church in Ghent – altar piece – Adam & Eve’s faces

15 Flemish School Pieter Brueghel – mid 1500s Albrecht Durer – 1471-1528
Loved the countryside & peasants of Flanders Painted festivals & dances Criticized intolerance & cruelty Albrecht Durer – Copper engraver & woodcutter Germany & Venice One of the 1st to use illustrations in books

16 Northern Artists Hans Holbein (Younger)
Italian & Flemish influences Painted the famous: Erasmus, More, Henry VIII Paintings represented differences b/w North & South societies South: Human figures based on Greek & Roman art (Gods) Admiration for human form North: Figures are bald, frail & imperfect (Mortals)

17 Era of Reform Reformation: religious revolution in western Europe
Income > salvation Popes are warriors & politicians Vices took precedence over morality Humanists response: Withdraw and rebuild

18 New Beginnings 1st Break – Germany
Core of HRE – 300 independent states Vatican sent Johann Tetzel to raise $$ Indulgences: pardons for punishment from sin Originally a reward German states: no restriction to sale of indulgences

19 Martin Luther Monk – search for salvation 95 Theses – 1517
Revelation: good deeds don’t matter Inner faith in God only thing that matters “Justification by grace through faith” 95 Theses – 1517 Public challenge of indulgences

20 Break From the Church Major issues with the Church
Bible is sole religious authority Ceremonies could not make up for sins Popes & Bishops could not tell people what to believe Priests no role in salvation 1521 Pope Leo X declares Luther a heretic Excommunicated Charles V (HREmp) – Imperial Diet Diet of Worms: Luther an outlaw Banned printing and sale of works Frederick the Wise (Elector of Saxony) Hides Luther Translates Bible to German

21 Protestantism Spread quickly – German princes est Lutheran states
Charles V: 1546 sent armies against Protestant princes Peace of Augsberg 1555: German rulers could establish any religion for their state Subjects didn’t like it they could move

22 New Religions Sects: new religious groups – no organized churches
No authority, discipline, membership or rules Gathering of like minded individuals w/preacher Anglican Church – England Henry VIII England leaves church b/c Henry wants a divorce Leave wife (Catherine of Aragon) for lady in waiting (Anne Boleyn) Parliament passes new church of England – king as the head Married 6 times – 1 son Edward VI

23 Calvinism John Calvin – Switzerland
1536 – The Institutes of the Christian Religion Faith in the Bible Predestination – God already decided who will be saved “The elect” – community followed highest moral standards Geneva – theocracy: gov’t ruled by religious w/god’s authority Outlaw on Vices

24 The Spread of Calvinism
Hugenot: French nobility that converted to Calvinism 1/3 became Calvinists Civil War – Hugenots vs. Catholics 1562 1598 Henry IV – Edicts of Nantes Freedom of worship / political rights Puritanism – form of Calvinism

25 The Counter-Reformation
Counter (Catholic) Reformation Attempt to return the church to emphasizing spirituality Clarify church doctrine Campaign to stop Protestantism Pope Paul III Inquisition – question “heretics” Keep Catholics in the church Pope Paul IV Index of Forbidden Books Books that were harmful to faith and morals

26 Council of Trent 1545 Church Leaders meet in Trent
Met during 3 periods from – 1563 End abuses of indulgences Discipline within the clergy Emphasized the need for ceremonies People must depend on priests b/c God grants forgiveness through the church Salvation comes from ceremonies & faith Every person has free will

27 Soldiers of the Counter-Reformation
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Ignatius de Loyola – founder 1534 1540 Pope Paul III recognizes Jesuits as an official order Followers Vows: chastity, poverty & obedience to the pope Most effective in spreading Catholicism Stressed education Combined humanist values w/Catholic doctrine

28 Results of Religious Upheavals
1530’s – mid 1600’s Religious wars in France, Germany, Netherlands & Switzerland Interest in Education Jesuits worked to strengthen faith in school Protestants believed people found the Christian faith by studying the bible Reading and literacy become important Gov’tal Power Increases Gov’ts, like England, took responsibility for church leadership Papal powers decreased

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