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The 5th U.S.-ROK EAWG meeting

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Presentation on theme: "The 5th U.S.-ROK EAWG meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5th U.S.-ROK EAWG meeting
Dec. 2nd , 2014

2 Agenda and Schedule Time Duration Agenda Lead 13:00 5min
Greetings & Introduction Both 13:05 Agenda & Schedule Confirmation 13:10 15min MND EA policy updates ROK MND 13:25 DoD EA policy and educational updates U.S. DoD 13:40 30min MND EA practices 14:10 60min MND-AF upgrade plan 15:10 40 min DoDAF 2.0 / DM2 in practice 15:50 Wrap-up and the 6th EAWG meeting planning


4 MND EA Policy Updates MND will introduce “MND EA Master Plan”.
No specific discussion expected.

5 DoD EA Policy Updates MND requests DoD to introduce “DoD EA Master Plan” or any EA related plan. No specific discussion expected.

6 DoD EA Practices MND will present EA practices in Information PPBEE and Interoperability. Related discussions or questions: DoD Architecture products certification and registration procedures DoD EA best practices in 6 process (JCIDS, PPBE and so on) * How to use EA data for those 6 process other that DM2 data dictionary Any guidance for EA practices How to use architecture products in Interoperability T/E * What kind of architecture products are used in interoperability T/E * U.S. JITC examples EA collaboration channel between USFK and DoD Why? ROK need to know (or see) DoDAF 2.0 practices. USFK staffs need to be re-confirmed Mr. Robert Lee (J65, USFK), LTC Alan Kral (J65, USFK), Mr. Thomas Snow (J65, USFK), MAJ Lashawna Covey (Architecture POC) The relationship between FEAF and DoDAF

7 MND-AF upgrade plan (1/2)
MND will present MND-AF upgrade plan. Related discussions or questions: Minimum requirements to make MND-AF and DoDAF compatible in details [DoD answer] DM2 DM2 CDM, PES information, Ontology data and any additional explanation [DoD answer] The DoDAF/DM2 Working Group site "file browser" has all the working group notebooks and references. There is also a folder called Tutorials and Briefings. The OMG UPDM specification has a full example for a maritime search and rescue example. IBM hosts periodic Users Groups on using System Architect for DoDAF The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) has classes on DoDAF 2. DoDAF, DM2 management (to reference for MND-AF 1.x and 2.0 management) Any opinion on MND-AF upgrade plan (Additional tasks? Additional docs to translate?) How to synchronize MND-AF and DoDAF further [DoD answer] We maintain a change log for each update that we will provide to you. What is the exact version of DoDAF to reference? Any commit reference? [DoD answer] DoDAF Both DoDAF 2.02 and its Change 1 are available, now. Guidance for architecting DARS and other website accessibility How to use EA interoperability capability(?) based on compatible AFs Any best practices with UK MoD or AUS DoD.

8 MND-AF upgrade plan (2/2)
(Continued) How to map Required Capability and Required Task, and so on ... [DoD Answer] Capabilities have desired effects resulting from to the performance of tasks. In DoDAF 2, tasks are synonymous with activities. So Capabilities map to the tasks or activities that produce the desired effects. The differences between Capability and Function (or Service). [DoD answer] Capabilities are about the desired effects, objectives, or outcomes. Those are in terms of some temporal state of a Resource, your own or threats, e.g., that the state of some threat would be neutralized. Functions are types of Activities that transform inputs to outputs or change their state. Services are types of performers of functions or activities. Thus, the desired effects of Capabilities are achieved by the performance of activities or functions by performers. There may be many functions and services that could achieve those desired effects, hence the value of stating requirements in terms of Capabilities, so that the trade-space for alternative solutions is kept open.

9 DoD EA educational courses
MND requests DoD to present EA educational courses. Related discussions or questions: NDU IRMS, FEAC, Penn State Univ. educational course status Educational materials and Educational courses you facilitated

10 DoD EA standardization status
MND requests DoD to present EA international standardization status. Related discussions or questions: UAF (or UDAF), UPDM, IDEAS status updates [DoD Answer] * UPDM 2.0 has been approved and UPDM 3.0 is in the OMG Request for Proposal (RFP) stage. How for ROK to follow-up OMG (ROK could NOT find way to participate still) [DoD Answer] We are in discussions with the Object Management Group (OMG) exploring options and feasibility towards international standardization. There are legal and other issues we are looking into and no decision has been made yet.

11 Wrap-Up and Planning Wrap-Up and Planning discussions
Related discussions or questions: To make 3 TG(Task Groups) under EAWG 1) AF(Architecture Framework)TG 2) IS(International Standard)TG 3) RC(Regional Collaboration)TG Planning 6th EAWG meeting Face-to-Face (Off-line) or On-line ( or Conference call)

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