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Correct rectify rect (right) + fy (make).

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Presentation on theme: "Correct rectify rect (right) + fy (make)."— Presentation transcript:

1 correct rectify rect (right) + fy (make)

2 loud; noisy vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry)

3 having hidden meaning cryptic crypt (hidden)

4 faking righteousness or holiness
sanctimonious sanct (holy) + mony (condition)

5 loud; noisy vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry)

6 orbital point nearest the sun
perihelion peri (around) + helio (sun)

7 disease-causer pathogen patho (disease) + gen (origin)

8 having two equal sides isosceles iso (equal) + scel (legs)

9 government of the wealthy
plutocracy pluto (wealth) + cracy (government)

10 essential element sine qua non sine (without) + non (not)

11 diseased pathological patho (disease) + logy (science)

12 fat, obese corpulent corp (body)

13 softener emollient ex (out)+ moll (soft)

14 change of shape metamorphosis meta (change) + morph (shape)

15 backward retrograde retro (backward) + grade (step)

16 rock carving petroglyph petr (rock) + glyph (carving)

17 orbital point nearest the sun
perihelion peri (around) + helio (sun)

18 extreme sadness melancholy mela (black) + chol (bile)

19 a-ha moment epiphany epi (on) + phan (appearance)

20 fat, obese corpulent corp (body)

21 two-part division dichotomy dicho (two parts) + tomy (cut)

22 within the skull intracranial intra (within) + cran (skull)

23 correct rectify rect (right) + fy (make)

24 change of shape metamorphosis meta (change) + morph (shape)

25 a-ha moment epiphany epi (on) + phan (appearance)

26 of the heart and vessels
cardiovascular cardio (heart) + vas (vessel)

27 of the heart and vessels
cardiovascular cardio (heart) + vas (vessel)

28 to outline delineate de (down) + lin(line)

29 built-in inherent in (into) + here (stick)

30 having hidden meaning cryptic crypt (hidden)

31 rock carving petroglyph petr (rock) + glyph (carving)

32 extreme sadness melancholy mela (black) + chol (bile)

33 faking righteousness or holiness
sanctimonious sanct (holy) + mony (condition)

34 study of living tissues
histology hist (tissue) + logy (science)

35 backward retrograde retro (backward) + grade (step)

36 built-in inherent in (into) + here (stick)

37 disease-causer pathogen patho (disease) + gen (origin)

38 twisting tortuous tort (twist) + ous (full of)

39 study of living tissues
histology hist (tissue) + logy (science)

40 forming a straight line
rectilinear rect (right) + lin (line)

41 government of the wealthy
plutocracy pluto (wealth) + cracy (government)

42 two-part division dichotomy dicho (two parts) + tomy (cut)

43 essential element sine qua non sine (without) + non (not)

44 twisting tortuous tort (twist) + ous (full of)

45 forming a straight line
rectilinear rect (right) + lin (line)

46 diseased pathological patho (disease) + logy (science)

47 softener emollient ex (out)+ moll (soft)

48 within the skull intracranial intra (within) + cran (skull)

49 to outline delineate de (down) + lin(line)

50 having two equal sides isosceles iso (equal) + scel (legs)

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