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Wilderness Signaling Strategies

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1 Wilderness Signaling Strategies
“Hey you! I’m over here” Wilderness Signaling Strategies

2 Proper signaling for help
Most important thing in any wilderness outing is to leave a detailed itinerary. Where you are going, where you plan to be, and when you plan on being home Practice before you actually have to use it. Signaling for rescue is one of your highest priorities.

3 Visual signals Examples
Fire and smoke Large in open space Wet, green wood for smoke Signal mirror - Anything reflective - Pop can, mirror, sheet metal etc Flares - Flare gun or hand held - Practice using before - Ration Flashlight - Strobe light - Best used at night - SOS

4 Auditory Signals Examples
Communication radio Cellular phone/Satellite Phone - do you get service - is the battery charged Fox 40 Whistle - Pealess (doesn’t freeze) Gun Bear Bangers

5 Signal site Select a signal site close to your shelter with good visibility such as a clearing, hilltop, or a lakeshore.

6 Search Will there be a search for you?
Put yourself in the searchers place. Will they be looking for you from air or ground? A search will probably start from your last known location and sweep over your proposed route.

7 Anything in 3’s or triangles represents distress
SOS signal SOS (Save Our Souls) is the best known international distress signal. The SOS signal can be transmitted by any method. SOS is 3 short, 3 long and 3 short signals. Pause. Repeat the signal. … --- … At night you can use a flashlight or a strobe light At day you can use a signal mirror. Anything in 3’s or triangles represents distress

8 Signal fires The most noticeable signal is your fire.
It is easily seen at night, and during the daytime the smoke from your fire can be seen for many miles. Build three fires in a triangle, or in a straight line, with about 30 meters (100 feet) between the fires. Three fires are an international recognized distress signal.

9 Overview Be Prepared Be Creative
Make it colorful and large (moving if possible) Think like a rescuer would Anything in 3’s or Triangles

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