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Superheroes Parents Autumn Term 1 Topic Year 1 HOW YOU CAN HELP?

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1 Superheroes Parents Autumn Term 1 Topic Year 1 HOW YOU CAN HELP?
SOUTHFIELD PRIMARY P.E: 1S- Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor) 1K- Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit. Home Learning Is set on a Friday and will need to be handed in fortnightly. Spellings will be sent out on a Friday to practice over the weekend. Children will also have additional Maths learning on certain weeks, linked to what they have covered in class. CHILDREN Read, little and often everyday Complete your home learning Practice spellings and phonics. Bring your reading book every day. Think about real-life superheroes, who are they? What jobs do they do? Why are they heroes? Think about who is your hero and why. Autumn Term 1 Topic Year 1 Superheroes HOW YOU CAN HELP? Parents Listen to your child read and return their books and reading journals to school daily. Comment in their journals. Help with their home learning. Encourage them to count and use numbers in every day life. Share experiences with your children. Practise spellings Learning Websites Teachers Mrs L Swift Miss R Knight Other Adults Mrs A Robinson (1S-AM) Mrs E Parkes (1K- AM)

2 English – Reading Children will take part in weekly guided reading sessions with the teacher. Children will do daily phonics sessions to learn new phonemes to help them with blending words when reading and segmenting when spelling. Children will begin to answer simple questions about a text and retell stories they have read. Maths Counting. Comparing. Order and pattern Number bonds Adding Word problems Subtraction. D&T Superfoods Fruit salad making and designing. Computing Animation. Retrieving images, Photography Using presentation and drawing software. Art and Design Drawing and modelling superheroes. Science Working scientifically. Eating healthily. RE Harvest Physical Development Outdoor PE with Mr Manning Other: Multiskills with Mrs Swift and Miss Knight. PSED Circle time New Beginnings. Children will learn about: Belonging Self-awareness. Managing their feelings. Understanding others’ feelings. Making choices. Understanding rights and responsibilities. We will also look at internal and external body parts. English – Writing Descriptive sentences Stories with familiar settings. Comic strips Fact files Labels, lists and signs

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