King John of England & The Signing of the Magna Carta

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1 King John of England & The Signing of the Magna Carta

2 Qualities of a King Around the picture below, you can read some of the qualities which medieval people expected their king to have! Which three are the most important for a medieval king? A good judge of character Rich – but not greedy! A good soldier Fit and strong God fearing Inspiring! Brave Hardworking Wise Firm – but fair!

3 The Rise of King John(1199-1216)
King John came to power when his brother, Richard, was killed returning from the Crusades. King John was seen as an unworthy replacement.

4 King John’s Personality
King John was described as ruthless (he killed his own nephew). He was a backstabber. He attempted to overthrow his father and brother from power.

5 King John “Lackland” John was nicknamed “lackland” because all his father’s land was given to his brother. In order to make up for this deficit he had to take away land from his people and tax heavily.

6 King John “Softsword” King John attempted to reclaim land in France by force. Two times he invaded France and lost. He angered many nobles because they had to pay for the invasion.

7 King John Angers the Pope
King John angered the Pope by attempting to run the church in England. The Pope kicked John out of the church and stopped church services in England( ). People were afraid they would go to hell!! John had to beg for forgiveness.

8 King John Signs the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1215.
King John is forced by his nobles to sign the Magna Carta. It stated: no cruel or unusual punishment, no imprisonment without trial or without jury, no taxation without approval, can’t take away private property without paying for it.

9 Significance The Magna Carta is the first step in limiting a kings power. It is the first step toward a representative government. It represents that people have rights within a government.


11 King John Wanted Poster/Commercial
Create a wanted poster/commercial for King John for the “crimes” that he has committed. Include the following in your poster/commercial: Title your poster with a wanted tagline (poster only) A picture of King John (poster only) List out the crimes of King John Detail what you want to be done to King John if he is brought to you (i.e. dead or alive? Punishment(s)?) Reward offered for King John

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