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Compare and contrast the French & American Revolutions.

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1 Compare and contrast the French & American Revolutions.
The French Revolution Compare and contrast the French & American Revolutions.

2 Quote Analysis Quote: Man is born free and everywhere is in chains.” Rousseau Quote: “People have a natural right to life, liberty, and Property. Rulers have the responsibility to protect these rights. People have the right to change a government who fails to do so.” Locke

3 Setting the Scene What triggered the start? Soaring prices of food
Workers having wages cut Raids and riots Disregard from Nobles Thought reform would help Instead many peasant still left poor

4 The Old Regime 3 Class system First Estate Second Estate Third Estate
Highest Ranking Clergy, monks, Bishops, and other Church Officials Provided some services such as education Second Estate Nobles Third Estate Bourgeoisie= middle class 90% were rural peasants Poorest were Urban Workers

5 The Old Regime Problems within the old Regime
First Estate was seen as idle entrenched in their way Second Estate was could raise rates and charge more. Which hurt the peasants Third Estate relied on the other two estates. The slightest changes could have a huge impact on them.

6 Economic Problems Debt Poor Harvests Reform Failures
Deficit Spending= govt spent more than it made High debt from 7 Years War and American Rev Borrowed more money to pay debt, raised taxes Poor Harvests Less food, higher prices, peasants starve Reform Failures Poor Leadership

7 The Tennis Court Oath Louis XVI calls the Estates General
Heads of all three Estates to solve the growing problem Third was always outvoted 2-1 Met in secret, called themselves National Assembly Next day they were locked out The Tennis Court Oath Third Estate General met on a Tennis Court Some Clergy and Nobles joined, forced King to change

8 Storming the Bastille Bastille- old prison, thought to hold weapons
Mob assembled outside asking for weapons Mob was shot at, many killed, but they broke through the defenses King Louis asked if it was a riot, a noble replied, “No, it’s a revolution.” Sparked many other revolts and riots.

9 Other Revolts and Reactions
Many factions, small groups, wanted power in France Spread of the Great Fear Fear spread to many other countries Monarchs didn’t want change Emigres- people who left France spread fear Edmund Burke, England, supported the Am Rev, but condemned the French Catherine, who loved Voltaire, burned his books, and locked up her critics

10 Reforms End of Special Privilege Declaration of the Rights of Man
Ended special rights of the first 2 estates Declaration of the Rights of Man Liberty, Property, Security, Resistance to Oppression Based on the ideas of Locke Women March on Versailles Marched to return the King to Paris, prisoner Church Reorganized The French Catholic Church under state control Gap between peasants and clergy Constitution of 1791 Limited King’s power, Assembly could make laws, elected by taxpaying males.

11 Changing Governments Legislative Assembly The French Republic
Lasted about a year Many people called for a republic, or elected reps The French Republic Suffrage granted to all men by the National Convention King and Queen beheaded

12 Changing Governments Robespierre & Committee of Public Safety
Put the good of all above good of individual Reign of Terror- killed many who rioters, eventually killed Robespierre The Directory 5 person Directory and 2 houses of legislature New Constitution, 3rd in 6 years Many relied on Napoleon to suppress problems at home, gave him power

13 Other Items Women felt left out of the Declaration of the Rights of Men, created Rights of Women Nationalism spread. All France had been through gave them a sense of national pride. Secular- nonreligious calendar created Slavery banned in many places All of these leads to the eventual takeover of Napoleon

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