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6. The Theory of Simple Gases

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1 6. The Theory of Simple Gases
An Ideal Gas in a Quantum Mechanical Microcanonical Ensemble An Ideal Gas in Other Quantum Mechanical Ensembles Statistics of the Occupation Numbers Kinetic Considerations Gaseous Systems Composed of Molecules with Internal Motion Chemical Equilibrium

2 6.1. An Ideal Gas in a Quantum Mechanical Microcanonical Ensemble
N non-interacting, indistinguishable particles in V with E. ( N, V, E ) = # of distinct microstates Let  be the average energy of a group of g >> 1 unresolved levels. Let n be the # of particles in level . Let W { n } = # of distinct microstates associated with a given set of { n }. Let w(n ) = # of distinct microstates associated with level  when it contains n particles.

3 Bosons ( Bose-Einstein statistics) :
Fermions ( Fermi-Dirac statistics ) : w(n ) = distinct ways to divide g levels into 2 groups; n of them with 1 particle, and g  n with none.

4 Classical particles ( Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics ) :
w(n ) = distinct ways to put n distinguishable particles into g levels. Gibbs corrected

5 Method of most probable value
( also see Prob 3.4 ) Lagrange multipliers n* extremize


7 BE FD Most probable occupation per level MB


9 6.2. An Ideal Gas in Other Quantum Mechanical Ensembles
Canonical ensemble : Ideal gas,  = 1-p’cle energy : = statistical weight factor for { n }. Actual g absorbed in  ( here is treated as non-degenerate: g = 1).

10 Maxwell-Boltzmann : multinomial theorem

11 partition function (MB)
grand partition function (MB)

12 Bose-Einstein / Fermi-Dirac :
Difficult to evaluate (constraint on N )

13 B.E. F.D. BE FD Grand potential : q potential :

14 BE FD  MB : c.f. §4.4 Alternatively

15 Mean Occupation Number
For free particles : BE FD see §6.1

16 6.3. Statistics of the Occupation Numbers
FD Mean occupation number : BE : B.E. condensation FD :  MB : Classical : high T   must be negative & large From §4.4 : same as §5.5

17 Statistical Fluctuations of n

18 BE FD above normal below normal Einstein on black-body radiation : +1 ~ wave character  n 1 ~ particle character see Kittel, “Thermal Phys.” Statistical correlations in photon beams : see refs on pp.151-2

19 Probability Distributions of n
Let p (n) = probability of having n particles in a state of energy  . BE FD

20 BE FD BE : FD :

21 MB : Gibbs’ correction Alternatively Poisson distribution “normal” behavior of un-correlated events  prob of occupying state 

22 “normal” behavior of un-correlated events
Geometric ( indep of n ) > MB for large n : Positive correlation FD : < MB for large n : Negative correlation

23 n - Representation Let n = number of particles in 1-particle state  . State of system in the n- representation : Non-interacting particles :

24 Mean Occupation Number
Let F be an operator of the form e.g.,

25 6.4. Kinetic Considerations
BE FD From § 6.1 Free particles :

26 BE FD Let p( ) be the probability of a particle in state  . Then s = 1 : phonons s = 2 : free p’cles All statistics

27  pressure is due to particle motion (kinetics)
Let n f(u) d3u = density of particles with velocity between u & u+du. # of particles to strike wall area dA in time dt = # of particles with u dA >0 within volume udA dt Each particle imparts on dA a normal impluse = Total impulse imparted on dA =

28 Rate of Effusion # of particles to strike wall area dA in time dt
 Rate of gas effusion per unit area through a hole in the wall is All statistics R   u   Effused particles more energetic. u > 0  Effused particles carry net momentum (vessel recoils) Prob.6.14

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