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Antroposophic Medicine: effectiveness,utility, costs, safety

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1 Antroposophic Medicine: effectiveness,utility, costs, safety
This Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report ( was commissioned by the Swiss Federal Social Insurance Office and produced as part of the national Complementary Medicine Evaluation Programme (PEK). The presented review is an update of this HTA-report, providing an overview of the available scientific literature on the effectiveness, utility, costs and safety of anthroposophic medicine. Kiene GS, Kienle H, Albonico HU: Anthroposophic Medicine: effectiveness, utility,costs, safety. Schattauer, Stuttgart, 2006

2 Effectiveness of AM in clinical studies
Domains of clinical studies System evaluation AM, includidng system comparisons (various diseases) Pain conditions and wound care Non-pharmacological treatments of various diseases Anthroposophic mistletoe therapy of cancer Further clinical studies Chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, ears, eyes and gastrointestinal tract Obstetrics and gynecology Psychiatry, neurology Thyroid disease Cardiovascular disease Astma, obstructive pulmonary disease, sarkoidosis Ulcerative colitis,hay fever and others Kiene GS, Kienle H, Albonico HU: Anthroposophic Medicine: effectiveness, utility,costs, safety. Schattauer, Stuttgart, 2006

3 Types of study designs Clinical Trials N=195
Prospective Comparative Trials N=40 RCT:s N=18 RCT:s blinded N=5 RCT:s not blinded N=13 Matched Pair Design N=4 Blinded N=3 Not blinded N=1 Retrospective Comparative Trials N=45 Cohort Studies (Cross over, Pre-post Desigs) N=110 Prospective N=62 N=43 Other Types of study designs Kiene GS, Kienle H, Albonico HU: Anthroposophic Medicine: effectiveness, utility,costs, safety. Schattauer, Stuttgart, 2006

4 Kiene GS, Kienle H, Albonico HU: Anthroposophic Medicine: effectiveness, utility,costs, safety. Schattauer, Stuttgart, 2006

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