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1 Research Presentation
Let’s Begin

2 Jawad’s Research Presentation on the Glaucus Atlanticus (Blue Dragon)
Physical Marion Earl Elementary By: Jawad Asghar Habitat Interactions Animal Babies Interesting Facts Video Works Cited

3 Physical Characteristics (What does the animal look like
Physical Characteristics (What does the animal look like? (ex:  size, body, teeth, claws, beak, color, fur/feathers) Spikey Wings Long Body Blue and White About 3 centimeters Long Tail Let’s Continue

4 Animal Facts What does the animal eat
Animal Facts What does the animal eat?  When does it eat (ex:  nocturnal, how often)?  How does it get its food (ex:  chase, browse, dig)? Feeds On: Other pelagic creatures Venomous siphonophore Portuguese Man of war It also stores stinging nematocysts, as defense. Let’s Continue

5 Animal Facts How does the animal move
Animal Facts How does the animal move? (ex:  hop, slither) What sounds does it make? How it moves: It slithers Uses water to move Uses part of body called cerate to make slow swimming movements It moves according to the situation Let’s Continue

6 Habitat Where does the animal live? (ex: rain forest, desert, pond)
Return Home The Glaucus Atlanticus lives: East and south coast of South Africa European Waters East coasts of Australia and Mozambique

7 Habitat Write a detailed description of its habitat
Habitat Write a detailed description of its habitat.   (ex: rainfall, temperature, soil, plants, part of the world) Return Home The Glaucus Atlanticus is found usually from: The oceans of the world Tropical waters East and south coasts of South Africa European waters

8 Habitat How has the animal adapted to its habitat
Habitat How has the animal adapted to its habitat? (ex:  coloring, hibernation, heavy fur in winter) Return Home How the Glaucus Atlanticus is adapted to its habitat is: Lives in warm temperate climates in southern Pacific, it does not need fur because of its warm climate it lives in.

9 Interactions How does the animal communicate?
Return Home The Glaucus Atlanticus has a different interaction than the rest of the animals: They have special sounds that they make They have special body language of their own They have special body movements

10 Interactions Who are the animals’ enemies?
Return Home The Glaucus Atlanticus has many enemies including: Portugeese man of war Other pelagic creatures Venomous sea slugs Other Glaucus Atlanticus

11 Interactions How does the animal protect itself?
Return Home The Glaucus Atlanticus protects itself by saving poison from other pelagic creatures and then attacking the enemy with the same poison.

12 Animal Babies How is the animal born
Animal Babies How is the animal born? (ex:  hatches from an egg, born alive) Return Home Estimated to be less than 3 centimeters When born have to stay with parents Light blue and white

13 Animal Babies How does the baby change as it grows into an adult
Animal Babies How does the baby change as it grows into an adult? (ex:  sheds skin, loses tail, pupa) Return Home Keep on changing while growing Darker while its growing Larger than it was Wider than it was Stores more poison Gets even more poison

14 Animal Babies What does the young animal look like?
Return Home Smaller than 2 centimeters Lighter colors compared to when adult Natural baby colors are blue and white

15 Interesting Facts Return Home Poisonous Stores poison
Can eat a portugeese man of war Preys on other bigger and other dangerous sea slugs

16 Video Click ‘Insert Video’. Copy and Paste embed code where directed.
Return Home Video of glaucus atlanticus information glaucus atlanticus

17 Works Cited You need to use at least 3 resources
Works Cited You need to use at least 3 resources.  List all resources you use. Return Home atlanticus.htm

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