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French Revolution Document Gallery

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1 French Revolution Document Gallery
By: Marwa Aziz

2 Cause: Absolute Government
King Louis XVI was the last King of France before the French Revolution v=2&source=ln

3 Cause: Inefficient Government
The Estates General becomes the National assembly. The third estate representatives were led at first by two members of the privileged classes.

4 Cause: Economic Problems
This Image shows “the people” as a chained and blindfolded man being crushed under the weight of the rich, that include both clergy and nobility. Clergy and nobility paid few taxes while peasants paid most of the taxes. mic=1&sourceImage=1&Find=Find

5 Cause: Third Estates The third estate carrying the burden and troubles of the other Estates. they didn't get any say in what the Third estates choose to do with the France.

6 Cause: Enlightenment Philosophers
Montesquieu was French and a political Philosopher. He believed that all men were born with equal rights.

7 Cause: American Revolution
The surrender of lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. The American revolution helped France with Democratic ideas.

8 Component: National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
The tennis court oath, brown and black ink drawing by Jacques-Louis David, 1791

9 Component: Fall of Bastille
Taking of the Bastille le&sourceImage=1&Find=Find#

10 Component: Declaration of the rights of Man and the Citizen
An artistic and symbolic depiction of the Declaration citizen/

11 Component: March on Versailles
Women's March on Versailles rsailles.php

12 Component: National Assembly Reforms 1789-1791
Mirabeau’s defiance in front of the marquis de dreux-brézé on June

13 Component: Louis and family attempt to escape
Arrest of the king, 22 June 1791.He was arrested and charged for treason for trying to leave Paris.

14 Component: France at war with Austria and other European nations
The emperor Napoleon in his study at the Tuileries. Tuileries

15 Component: Execution of Louis XVI
Execution of King Louis XVI of France.

16 Component: Assassination of Marat
Martyr of Marat.

17 Component: Reign of Terror
An execution by the guillotine during the Reign of Terror.

18 Component: Execution of Robespierre
Robespierre is arrested, and executed 27 July, 1794.

19 Unjust governing in France
Component: Directory Unjust governing in France directory.html

20 Consequence: Republic Established
A revolutionary poster with the motto of the French Revolution Unity, Indivisibility of the French republic, Liberty, Equality, and brotherhood.

21 Consequence: Concept of War
Battle of Valmy

22 Consequence: Conditions of the Peasants
Working Peasants in France.

23 Monks and nuns enjoy their freedom
Consequence: Church Monks and nuns enjoy their freedom church

24 Consequence: Bourgeoisie/middle class
Two peasants repairing a cart

25 Consequence: Influence on other countries
France had a very big impact on Europe and gave country's in Europe an idea of liberty.

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