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ITIS 2110 Lab #6 Team Project.

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Presentation on theme: "ITIS 2110 Lab #6 Team Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITIS 2110 Lab #6 Team Project

2 Labs This week: Team Project Hint: Must be in lab for credit
Team Captains: Keep copies of the Team Name and Proposal forms to copy parts for later reports

3 Labs Team Name due at end of THIS lab: Team Name With Signatures form
Filled in with data Rough Guess of project – can change Member’s names typed in Printed and turned in by end of lab Signatures on printed copy only Canvas Everyone – Team Name Due at end of this lab Regardless of date in Moodle!!!!! Captains only – Copy of Team Name With Signature form Need member’s names typed in Signatures not needed on the Canvas copy Upload to Canvas

4 Labs Team Project Name at beginning of NEXT lab:
Team Proposal With Signatures form Filled in with data Formal Proposal Member’s names typed in Printed and turned in at start of lab Signatures on hard copy only Canvas Everyone – Team Project Name Due at beginning of next lab Regardless of date in Canvas!!!!! Captains only – Copy of Team Proposal With Signature form Need members names typed in Signatures not needed on the Canvas copy Upload to Canvas

5 Big Picture: Learned/To Be Learned in Labs
Linux Use and care of a Linux OS Basic editing and scripting VMs Learn VMs, create a VM to use in future labs Managed Switch Managed devices, VLANs Firewall Blocking or filtering traffic Router Sending traffic from one network to another Use of a serial connection Apache server Web page serving Wireshark Network monitoring DNS Allowing human names Windows Server 2008 Installation and care of a Windows Server Cisco Firewall Using an advanced firewall

6 Final Project Select Teams Start work on project in lab
Random Team selection Exchange Info Contact info Available hours Start work on project in lab Select a team name Select a captain Start thinking of ideas Start defining project Project consists of: At least three integrated IT items learned in lab Creating a small infrastructure One new element not covered by a lab

7 Final Project: Due end of this lab
Due at the end of this lab period: Team Name Turn in 1 printed Team Name With Signatures form per team with Team Members (typed alphabetically) Team Signatures Rough guess at project This you may freely change for the Proposal Note who the captain is with an asterisk! Form is available on Lab Web site: ..\2110Text\2110 TeamNameWithSignatures.docx Canvas: Everyone: Put your Team Name in Canvas 10 points for each team member with a signature and the correct team name in Canvas Team Captain: Upload copy of Team Name Form with names and captain Bonus pts Member names must be typed in Signatures not required in the copy to Canvas Hint: save a copy of this form for later use

8 Final Project: Due beginning of next lab
Completed Proposal One printed copy of the Team Proposal With Signatures form per team with: Project name Project description and outline Name the 3 class items and 1 out of class item Team Members (typed) Signatures Canvas: Everyone: Project Name in Canvas 10 pts for each team member with a signature and the Canvas part correctly done Team Captain: Upload a copy of the proposal - Bonus pt Member names typed in Signatures not required on uploaded copy Form is available on web site 2110 TeamProposalSignatures.docx Will need instructors OK (will be reviewed during next lab) Will feedback to the team captain during lab

9 Team Selection Choose teams Choose team name (team effort) Random draw
Exchange information (name, , phone #s) Identify team captain Choose team name (team effort) Turn in Form by end of your Lab 6 period Use previously mentioned form Only one form is required per team Signature on form Each person must also put team name in Canvas Lab 6: Team Name by end of this lab 10 pts for each signature on form and team name properly entered in Canvas Upload form without signatures to Canvas

10 Team Selection – cont. Define team project by next lab (team effort)
Proposal due beginning of your next lab Use the Team Proposal form available on the Lab Web Site Team captain only upload a copy to Canvas All submit project name to Canvas 10 pts for your project name in Moodle and signature on proposal Name of project Overview What to do Time schedule Must have instructors approval Must have signatures! Will review during your next Notify captain of results

11 Team Project 100 points 60 points team score
..\2110Text\2110 Final Project Criteria.docx 40 points team peer evaluation Low scores must be documented Sample form on next slide

12 2110 Team Evaluations (example)
Team name: _____________________________ Sec L0__ Team # __ Your Name: ________________ Attended Group Meetings (0-10) Assumed Reasonable load Delivered on time Group Contribution Teammate: _________ Only one 10 may be given for each category. Give a 10 (if deserved) to the major Contributor in that category Attended Group Meetings Attended scheduled group meetings Gave previous notice if could not attend Assumed Reasonable Load All work does not need to be equal Delivered on Time Met commitments Gave early warning and reasons (not excuses) if not able Group Contribution Overall contribution Filled a valuable role for the team Good leader, documenter, tester, etc. Criteria 10 – Excellent (only one per category) 9 – Major contributions 8 – Consistent contributor 7 – Did the job 6 – Barely met assignment 5 – Missed major deadlines/tasks 4 – Major problems 3 – Barely there 2 – Got something in eventually 1 – Breathed 0 - Absolutely no contribution

13 Team Evaluations Confidential between submitter and me
Optional comments For ratings of 6 or lower: Explanation of why Not: Fred was always late for meetings Fred never did anything Good: The group had 3 meetings planned: 11/22, 11/30, and 12/4. Fred missed the 11/22 and 12/4 meeting without informing the group Fred's main task was to test the xyz module with test cases 1 through 15. The group did not get the data by the target date.

14 Teamwork Choose a captain Exchange
Captain will be your interface to the instructor Exchange Telephone #s IDs Some method to reliably communicate Select several commonly available works times Develop a schedule Modify as needed Establish communication protocol How/when to contact Consider a Collaboration tool Wiki? Google collaboration tools?

15 Links Project: Signatures 2110Project.htm Team name Team proposal
2110TeamNameSignatures.docx Identify team captain Captain Get a copy and edit it Print and get signatures Save a copy to use for later reports Team captain upload a copy to Moodle Can be used as prototype for other turn-ins Proposal Final project Everyone enters their team name in the Moodle text box Signature and the correct name in the Moodle text box  10 pts Due at the end of this lab Team proposal 2110 TeamProposalSignatures.docx Save a copy to submit for later reports Everyone enters their team project name in the Moodle text box Signature and the correct project name in the Moodle text box  10 pts Due at the beginning of your next lab

16 Overview Team name due today at end of lab (Lab 6)
Everyone: Signatures on Team Name with Signature form Enter Team Name in Canvas Team Captain Upload copy to Canvas (no signatures needed on copy) Team Proposal due beginning of next lab (Lab 7) Signatures on Team Proposal With Signatures form Enter project name in Canvas Project should consist of: Three integrated IT items learned in lab One new element not covered by a lab

17 Last Notes: Anyone not present at this lab
Will not get credit for the first 10 point part (no signature) It will be their responsibility to contact your group to catch up It will be their responsibility to get their signature on the next form (Project Proposal) Teams and members will be listed on the Project Web Page. No sheet protectors for 3 ring binders

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