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CRB ROMs for Review May 28, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CRB ROMs for Review May 28, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRB ROMs for Review May 28, 2010

2 Agenda ROMs for Review Previous CRB Top Five Priorities
Audit Change Requests / Additional Changes in Discussion

3 Recap: CRB Top Five Change Requests
At the beginning of the last CRB meeting, these were the top five CRs: Change Request Hour Estimate CR 29: Include Voucher # and SWDN on payment update eForm 50 hours CR 30: Add Contract ID to the DO 48 hours CR 41: CFO Received Date 496 hours CR 53: Buyer Password Reset 700 hours CR 86: Default the checkbox to be unchecked 40 hours Total 1,334 hours

4 CR 29 CR 29: Include Voucher # and SWDN on payment update eForm
Current Challenge:  When a disbursement is completed directly in FLAIR, the “Paid in FLAIR” checkbox will be marked on the associated Invoice Reconciliation (IR). Users will then utilize the Payment Update eForm to enter the FLAIR payment details for that disbursement. Currently, users have the ability to enter the Warrant Number and Warrant Date for each payment associated to the IR. Users have requested the ability to update the Voucher Number and Statewide Document Number on the Payment Update eForm. Proposed Solution: Add the Voucher Number and Statewide Document Number to the Payment Update eForm. These new fields will not be required on the eForm. Users will be allowed to enter a value or leave the Voucher Number and Statewide Document Number fields blank. If the user enters a value for these fields, then the value will be updated on the Payment and associated Invoice Reconciliation (IR) accounting objects. Estimated ROM: 50 hours

5 CR 30 CR 30: Add contract ID to the DO
Current Challenge:    Customers have requested the display of the following on the print view of a Requisition: Both the State Contract ID and Agency Contract ID Line item commodity code, commodity description and PUI Currently, only the Agency Contract ID is displayed on the print view. Proposed Solution: Add the above fields to the print view of a Requisition and PO. Estimated ROM: 48 hours

6 CR 41 CR 41: CFO Received Date Current Challenge:
Currently, when the DFS calculates an agency’s prompt payment they do not have particular fields available to them from MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) (i.e., the date that the Invoice Reconciliation (IR) is received by the auditor). Instead, they are utilizing a date not provided by MFMP (CFO Received Date) that is captured after the auditors have approved the transaction for payment. This causes the prompt payment report to include the agency’s processing time and the auditor’s processing time as a part of the agency’s 20-day timeframe for invoices audited in MFMP.

7 CR 41 continued CR 41: CFO Received Date Proposed Solution:
In order to accurately report an agency’s prompt payment percentage for MFMP audited invoices, changes will be made in both MFMP and FLAIR. In MFMP, changes will be made to store a date at the header level of new Invoice Reconciliations (IRs) to reflect the MFMP calculated CFO Received Date. Changes will also be made in MFMP for all disbursement transaction (51S, 53S and 70S) interface transactions so that the “MFMP CFO Received Date” is submitted to DFS for calculation. This “MFMP CFO Received Date” will be entered by the MFMP interface in the “CK-DT” (check date) field when submitting a disbursement transaction to FLAIR. Estimated ROM: 496 hours

8 CR 53 CR 53: Buyer Password Reset
Current Challenge:  Currently, if a buyer forgets his or her MFMP password, the agency system administrator must reset the password utilizing the Password Change eForm. Agencies are requesting the ability for a buyer to reset his or her password without contacting the agency system administrator. The functionality would be similar to the vendor password reset enhancement. Proposed Solution: MFMP will implement an automated password reset function for buyer customers, similar to the VIP vendor password reset already in place. Estimated ROM: 700 hours* *Note: Expect the ROM for CR 53 to increase – we intend to refine this ROM to include tougher security to ensure it will not result in a future audit finding.

9 CR 86 CR 86: Default the checkbox to unchecked
Current Challenge:  Currently, when creating a comment on a Requisition, the “include comment/attachment(s) on purchase orders” checkbox is defaulted to checked.. Proposed Solution: Changes will be required to the comment functionality within MFMP to default the “include comment/attachment(s) on purchase orders” to be unchecked when adding a new comment to a Requisition. Estimated ROM: 40 hours

10 Updated: CRB Top Five Change Requests
The group opted to swap CR 86 for CR 114 (formerly ) Green/Recycled Reporting Change Request Hour Estimate CR 29: Include Voucher # and SWDN on payment update eForm 50 hours CR 30: Add Contract ID to the DO 48 hours CR 41: CFO Received Date 496 hours CR 53: Buyer Password Reset 700 hours CR 114: Green / Recycled Reporting 200 hours Adjusted Total 1,494 hours Note: This is now a statutory change per House Bill 7243 and must be implemented before September 31, 2011

11 Wrap-Up CR 114 CR 114 (formerly 260014): Green and Recycled Reporting
Current Challenge: Agencies are currently seeking a uniform reporting mechanism that will allow them to prepare annual summaries of statewide purchases delineating those with recycled content to be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Currently, “green” and recycled content is identified for catalog items only in MFMP. Therefore, MFMP reporting can only provide reporting for “green” and recycled purchases made from catalogs. Proposed Solution: With this change request, agencies will now have the ability to designate a non-catalog as “green” and/or recycled. However, agencies will not have the ability to select the MyGreenFlorida certification type for a “green” non-catalog item. In addition, “green” and recycled items will be loaded into Analysis as part of the 9r1 upgrade. After the 9r1 upgrade, agencies will be able to create reports within the Analysis application to identify both “green” and recycled purchases made for catalog and non-catalog items. Agencies will also have the ability to designate a Punchout item as “green” and/or recycled. Similar to non-catalog items, agencies will not have the ability to select the MyGreenFlorida certification type for a “green” Punchout item. Estimated ROM: 200 hours

12 Additional CRs Enterprise Customer-Driven ROM Estimate Audit Findings
CR 108: PO Start Date / End Date 40 hours CR 110: Buyer Password Complexity 360 hours CR 111: VIP Password Complexity 392 hours CR 112: Updates to the VIP Change Log Solution 1: 200 hours Solution 2: hours CRB Requested CR 115: Require Contract # based on MOP 120 hours Invoice Workgroup Requested CR 116: Improvements to the Invoice eForm 48 hours Total Additional CR Hours (not including the CRB top five) 1,160 hours OR 1,560-1,760 hours

13 CR 108 CR 108: PO Start Date / End Date Validation on Requisitions
Current Challenge: Currently, when creating a requisition there is no validation on the PO start date and end date fields; a PO start date can be after the end date. Proposed Solution: With this change request, validation will be added to the PO start and end date fields so that the start date must be before or on the same day as the end date. Estimated ROM: 40 hours

14 CR 110 CR 110: Updates to Buyer Password Complexity
Current Challenge:  Currently, Buyer passwords are required to be 7-8 characters in length. DMS has requested the complexity of Buyer passwords be updated. Proposed Solution: With this change request, Buyer passwords will be still be 7-8 characters in length but will also be required to include one of each of the following: One uppercase letter One lowercase letter One digit  The above validation will be applied when users are prompted to change an expired password as well as on the Password Update eForm. In to the above validation, users will no longer be able to re-use the last five passwords. Estimated ROM: 360 hours

15 CR 111 CR 111: Updates to VIP Password Complexity
Current Challenge:  Currently, Vendor Information Portal (VIP) passwords are required to be 6-15 characters in length. DMS has requested the complexity of VIP passwords be updated. Proposed Solution: With this change request, VIP passwords will be still be 8-15 characters in length but will also be required to include one of each of the following: One uppercase letter One lowercase letter One digit  The above validation will be applied when vendor attempts to reset his or her password or a password is reset by a vendor admin. In addition to the above validation, vendors and administrators will no longer be able to re-use the last five passwords.  This enhancement will also include functionality to expire passwords after 120 days. Estimated ROM: 392 hours

16 CR 112 CR 112: Updates to VIP Change Log
Current Challenge:  Currently, the Vendor Information Portal (VIP) system captures specific logging information as it relates to updates that are completed on a vendor’s registration by an administrator. DMS is requesting that the logging be expanded. Proposed Solution #1: With this change request, VIP logging will be expanded to record the specific administrator as well as the date/time of following activities: 1099 Name updates Contested 1099 Name status changes Registration status changes Location status changes Contact updates Location updates (including sequence or PIN updates) STC/SPA status changes Password resets Ariba Network ID updates Sourcing solicitation status changes VBS solicitation status changes Reluctant vendor status changes Estimated ROM for Solution #1: 200 hours

17 CR 112 continued CR 112: Updates to VIP Change Log
Proposed Solution #2: This solution will include the extended logging described in the above section. In addition, specific change values (the “from” value as well as the “to” value) will be recorded. Estimated ROM for Solution #2: hours

18 Wrap-Up Additional Changes Change Request Hour Estimate
In addition to the CRs we’ve mentioned so far, we’re also considering the following: Change Request Hour Estimate CR 115 Require the Contract # based on MOP 120 hours CR 116 Improvements to the Invoice eForm 48 hours

19 CR 115 CR 115: Require Contract # based on Method of Procurement (MOP)
Current Challenge: Currently, when a non-catalog requisition is completed and the Method of Procurement is selected as an A or B, there is no mandatory requirement to enter the appropriate state term contract (STC) #. In addition, there are no options to enter the Alternate Contract Source (ACS) # or State Purchasing Agreement (SPA) # if the Method of Procurement of C or D is selected. Also, there are no options to enter an Agency ITB #, Agency RFP # or Agency ITN # if the Method of Procurements of H, H1, I, I1, J, J1 are selected. Proposed Solution: With this change request, an STC # (via a chooser) will be required (in the existing field) when entering a Method of Procurement on a requisition that starts with “A” or “B”. With this change request, an ACS # or SPA# will be required (in a new field) when entering a Method of Procurement on a requisition that starts with “C” or “D”. In addition, we’re also considering requiring ITB #, RFP # or ITN # (in a new field) when entering a Method of Procurement on a requisition that starts with “H”, “H1”, “I”, “I1”, “J” or “J1”.  This new validation will apply to new requisitions as well as change orders initiated after the implementation of the change request. Estimated ROM: 120 hours

20 CR 116 CR 116: Improvements to the Invoice eForm
Current Challenge: Currently, the invoice eForm requires several unnecessary additional steps: When a user enters the tab key on the header of the invoice eForm after entering the “Invoice Number” field, the “Supplier Invoice Date” field validates (displaying an error “Value must be set!”). After generating the invoice, the cursor defaults to the “Line #” field on the Invoice Lines page. This field rarely requires updating but is often updated by mistake since it is the default for the cursor. When the “Quantity” field is changed on the Invoice Lines page and the tab key is entered, the cursor moves to the first line’s “Line #” field. Proposed Solution: Changes will be made to the invoice eForm to complete the following: The “Supplier Invoice Date” field will be validated once the invoice eForm is submitted or the page is refreshed. After generating the invoice, the cursor will default to the “Quantity” field on the Invoice Lines page. When the “Quantity” field is changed on the Invoice Lines page and the tab key is entered, the cursor moves to the current line’s next field (“PartNo”). Estimated ROM: 48 hours

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