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MFMP WebEx Training: Creating a Requisition Catalog and Non Catalog

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1 MFMP WebEx Training: Creating a Requisition Catalog and Non Catalog
MyFloridaMarketPlace MFMP WebEx Training: Creating a Requisition Catalog and Non Catalog Toll free number: (888) Conference Code: #

2 Agenda WebEx Info For the audio portion of training:
Dial the Suncom Reservations toll free (888) Conference code: # Do not place phones on hold, instead: Place phones mute by pressing *6 Unmute your line by pressing #6 to ask questions 8/30/2010

3 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

4 Agenda Welcome Welcome to MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) WebEx training.
This training provides you basic knowledge of how to create requisitions within MFMP. We will cover topics such as: How to create requisitions using: Line Item catalogs Punch-out catalogs Non-catalogs Introduce Host and Presenter We welcome you to continue your journey through MFMP by joining us for these additional MFMP training modules to be provided as follows: Module III: Receiving; Commodities and Services Module IV: Creating an Invoice eForm Module V: How to Reconcile an IR (Exception Handler) Module VI: How to Approve an IR (Invoice Manager)/Troubleshooting 8/30/2010

5 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

6 Agenda Terminology State term contracts (STC) are loaded into MFMP as searchable catalogs. There are three different types of catalogs: Line Item catalog Added as individual line items Punch-Out catalog Punches out to the vendors website Ordering Instructions Line item entries with a $0.00 amount Refers the customer to the STC page and the appropriate vendor to contact prior to a purchase being made Requisition will be created as non-catalog You can select an item from the Line Item catalog or the Punch-out catalog (punches out directly to the vendors website) to your requisition. Line Item Catalog - State Term Contracts (STC) loaded and searchable as line item entries in MFMP are able to be selected and added as line items to a requisition. State Term Contracts are entered as Master Agreements Ordering Instructions - State Term Contracts loaded and searchable as line item entries with a $0.00 amount which will refer the customer to the STC page and the appropriate vendor to contact prior to a purchase being made and are not able to be selected and added as line items to a requisition Punch out – State Term Contracts that allow you to “Punch-out” directly to the supplier’s website to add items to populate your requisition. Ex. Office Depot, Grainger, Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. 8/30/2010

7 Agenda Terminology Non-Catalog – A non-catalog item is an item not listed on a line item catalog or a Punchout catalog. You will need to manually enter the detail information for the item. Catalog(MA#) – STC’s and some agency- term contracts that contain an organized list of goods or services. Pre-populates with procurement and vendor information A complete listing of terminology is located in the Buyer Manual 8/30/2010

8 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

9 Agenda Requisition A requisition documents and notifies Purchasing of a need for a commodity or service. Requisitions are completed using three basic steps: Add Title Add Items Checkout Step-by-step instructions are available in the MFMP Buyer Manual (Exit presentation to review website) Requisition - A document that notifies a purchasing office of a need for a commodity and/or service, requisitions are automated in MFMP [and if approved] generates a Purchase Order (PO). Each requisition has an approval flow based on your agency, information in your profile and the items being purchased. When created, the requisition will be assigned a requisition number. Once it has been fully approved a Purchase Order number is assigned. There are 3 parts to a Req, Add Title, Add Items and Checkout. Create 3 requisitions in the training environment Punchout – show how to search, show all search options and use filters for searches Line item – Show how to search, show all search options and use filters for searches Non-Catalog - 8/30/2010

10 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

11 Creating a Requisition: Catalog
Agenda Creating a Requisition: Catalog To create a catalog requisition: Enter MFMP and Click ‘Create’ under requisition Complete the Title Page information Expand Search options by clicking on Options Show All Search Options (Exit presentation to review website) Check with your purchasing office for agency standards for the naming convention 8/30/2010

12 Creating a Requisition: Catalog
Agenda Creating a Requisition: Catalog Tips to find a catalog Punch-out catalog – Buy from Supplier Use single keywords or phrases when possible (Grainger, Office Depot) Make your search broad Benefits to using catalogs in MFMP: Upon ‘Checkout’, the items you select are added into the requisition along with Description Supplier # Supplier and supplier location Unit cost Commodity code Contract # Expanding your search options will allow you to apply additional filters to narrow your search results Punch-out catalogs will populate with a button that says “Buy from Supplier” Line Item Catalogs will populate with at button that says “Add to Cart” 8/30/2010

13 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

14 Creating a Requisition
Agenda Creating a Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog requisition Enter MFMP and click on create under requisition Complete the Title Page information Click ‘Non Catalog’ Enter all information as required Step-by-step instructions are available in the MFMP Buyer Manual (Exit presentation to review website) 8/30/2010

15 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

16 Following up on your order
Agenda Following up on your order Often after you submit or complete a requisition you may need to view the status or determine the order number. To follow up on your order, create a system search or click ‘Status’ on your swoosh screen. Enter the requisition number (or other identifying search criteria). You can the review the: Approval Flow - Review the approval flow in order to determine where the requisition is in the approval process. History – This allows you to obtain details of the approval, including dates as well as any associated comments. Summary – This allows you to view the details of the requisition as well as the Order ID. Exit Presentation to review Web site 8/30/2010

17 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

18 Agenda Resources For questions or assistance contact the MyFloridaMarketPlace Customer Service Desk at or (866) Accessing live Buyer - FAQs MFMP toolkit Bulletin board & hot topics Training materials and opportunities Job aids New Buyer Manual eNewsletter 8/30/2010

19 Agenda Resources For password resets, contact your agency system administrator Vendor searches: Vendor Administrative look-up-tool: Username and Password: ‘publicuser’ (must be entered in lower case) SPURSview: Vendor Help – Vendors contact the MyFloridaMarketPlace customer service desk at or (866) No user name or password required for Vendor Admin or SPURSview 8/30/2010

20 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction Terminology Defining a Requisition
Creating a Catalog Requisition Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition Following up on your order Resources Wrap-up 8/30/2010

21 Agenda Wrap-up Let’s recap today’s training: Creating a requisition
Punch-out catalog Line Item catalog Non-catalog Basic Steps Add Title Add Items Checkout How to find a completed requisition and/or order 8/30/2010

22 Contact Us Contact the MFMP CSD at or (866) Team Member Phone Number Communications Analyst (850) F&A Process Analyst (850) Operations Manager (850) Purchasing Process Analyst (850) Vendor Management Analyst (850)

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