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Respecting Sexuality Chapter 29.

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1 Respecting Sexuality Chapter 29

2 Church’s Moral Teachings
Church’s teachings on sexuality based on human reason, Scriptures, and Tradition Sexuality is one of God’s greatest and most beautiful gifts to us The Bible includes the Song of Solomon – a book of love poetry 6th and 9th Comm remind us that misuse of this gift can cause great harm

3 3 Purposes of Sex Sex creates new life. Sex expresses loving union.
Sex brings us joy and pleasure.

4 Marriage Marriage is a covenant, a sacred promise.
Sex is a sign of that covenant. The expression of sexual love must be open to the gift of life. *this is the basis for the church’s teaching against artificial birth control or contraception.

5 Divorce and Annulment Divorced – remain full members of the Church but cannot remarry as long as their original spouse is alive. Marriage is dissolved by the state but not by the Church. Annulment – marriage declared null & void (never was a sacramental marriage). Divorced people who remarry w/out an annulment may not receive Holy Communion but are not separated from the Church.

6 Chastity Chastity = sexual integrity (to be wholesome)
A virtue that requires integration of our sexuality with the whole person – body, mind and spirit Every person, single or married is called to be chaste - to respect the sexuality of self and others

7 St. Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902) Born in Italy to a peasant family
Killed while fending off a rapist at 12 yrs of age While dying - forgave her attacker “for the love of Jesus” Her attacker (Alessandro) – remained unrepentant until he had a dream of Maria – begged forgiveness from Maria’s mother Maria canonized for values of chastity and forgiveness

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