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Yamas & Niyamas “When we compare ourselves to others, we either find ourselves lacking, which makes us feel cheated, or we find ourselves superior, which.

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Presentation on theme: "Yamas & Niyamas “When we compare ourselves to others, we either find ourselves lacking, which makes us feel cheated, or we find ourselves superior, which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yamas & Niyamas “When we compare ourselves to others, we either find ourselves lacking, which makes us feel cheated, or we find ourselves superior, which leaves us arrogant.”


3 Yamas “Restraints” Projected Externally
Five virtues that govern our relationship with others and the world Non-injury, truthfulness, non-stealing, sense control & non-clinging

4 Ahimsa – Non-Violence/Compassion
Not to injury or show cruelty Kindness, friendliness, patience, love, and thoughtful consideration Not accept or allow anything that causes harm “We learn compassion when we dissolve our personal version of the world, and grow gentle eyes that are not afraid to see reality as it is.”

5 Satya – Truthfulness Truth in speech, thoughts & deeds
Taking off your “mask;” who are you really? What we say, how we say it, and in what way it could affect others Say nothing at all (negative consequences) Owning your feelings, value genuine & gentle communication (Do no harm; ahmisa)

6 Asteya – Non-Stealing Not stealing, not coveting, not being jealous
Entrusts or confides in us, we do not take advantage Not taking anything that has not been freely given How we use others’ time

7 Brahmacharya – Non-Excess
Moderation of all things on all levels Channeling your emotions, practicing self containment, non-excess of the mind, speech, body Self restraint

8 Aparigraha – Non-Possessive
Reliance or attachments to materials Reliance to food, jobs, identities etc. Rely too much on attachments, no room to grow Needs/wants, to consume less and live more

9 “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”
Niyamas “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” - Chinese Proverb

10 Niyamas “Observances” Projected Internally Unwritten code for living
Five observances for appearance, actions, words, and thought that govern our relationship with ourselves Purity/cleanliness, contentment, disciplined use of our energy, self-study/inquiry & celebration of the spiritual

11 Saucha – Purity Living clean; inward & outward
Cleansing the mind of its disturbing emotions; hatred, anger, lust, greed, delusion & pride Eating a clean diet, living in a clean orderly environment, refraining from excess stimulants & depressants; processed food Quality reading, uplifting movies etc. Clear the clutter; see more vivid

12 Santosha – Contentment
Accepting what is, and making the best out of everything Rejoicing in what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t Remain calm with success or failure Not to accept or tolerate unhealthy relationships or working conditions; practice patience & live as full as you can where you are

13 Tapas – Discipline Become someone of character and strength
“Heat” for change Accepting pain & trials as a way to reflect our limitations Choose to forsake momentary pleasures for future rewards If we keep ourselves safe, how will we ever grow?

14 Svadhyaya – Self Study The process of learning to understand ourselves by watching our thoughts and actions constantly Taking responsibility; rather than making excuses, blaming or pointing fingers Self-reflection; Are you living the way you want/believe it best? Allow mistakes to become lessons “Good judgment comes from experience, although experience comes from bad judgment.”

15 Isvara Pranidhana – Celebration of the Spiritual
Devotion and enlightenment to a greater power; God Give up the egotistical illusion that we know best Surrender to life; celebrate your aliveness & surrender to it Willingness dedication of time, energy, and abilities in service to God or humanity; humbleness

16 Yamas - Relationships Niyamas - Self Ahimsa; Be kind to others Satya; Tell the truth Asteya; Take only what is yours Brahmacharya; Moderation on all levels Aparigraha; Share and detach Saucha; Pure in thought & actions Santosha; Practice accpetance Tapas; Endurance Svadhyaya; Take time to reflect Isvara Pranidhana; Stay humble

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