Annie James Mrs. Bessert Social Studies 7 20 September 2017 Native American Culture Study Revised 2017.

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1 Annie James Mrs. Bessert Social Studies 7 20 September 2017 Native American Culture Study
Revised 2017

2 Southeast Region The Seminole Revised 2017

3 Geography Grasses and swamps, specifically the Everglades, dominated the geography where the Seminole people lived in the southern part of present day Florida. A climate that included hot summers, mild winters, and plenty of rain made conditions ripe for growing crops like corn and tobacco. Revised 2017

4 Food Crops of corn, beans, and squash were grown. In addition, deer, wild turkeys, rabbits, turtles, and alligators were abundant. The Seminoles cooked dishes of cornbread, soups, and stews. Revised 2017

5 Shelter Seminole homes called chickees included a frame of logs and a roof of leaves or grass. There were no walls, and the floor was raised off the ground to protect against wet and soggy land or snakes. When it rained, hide coverings were fixed to the walls to keep the inside dry. Revised 2017

6 Clothing The Seminoles were famous for their hand sewn patchwork clothes. Men wore breechcloths in hot weather, but added deerskin shirts, leggings, and moccasins for cooler weather. Women normally wore dresses, leggings, and moccasins sometimes beaded in beautiful colors. Small boys wore a one piece knee length garment, while girls wore blouses and skirts. Older girls wore three long skirts together. Revised 2017

7 Roles of Men and Women Both Seminole women and men had specific roles within their society. Women took on the farming, cooking, and childcare duties. However, men hunted and went to war if needed to protect their families. Revised 2017

8 Transportation Seminoles traveled on land and water. They walked while hunting animals but used a canoe on the water. Each family painted their canoe, and canoes were made in different sizes. Revised 2017

9 Traditions Seminoles held an annual Green Corn Dance festival to thank the Creator for providing food. It included purification and manhood ceremonies. In addition, tribal disputes were settled during this time. Revised 2017

10 Davidson, James West., and Michael B. Stoff. "Native American
Works Cited Davidson, James West., and Michael B. Stoff. "Native American Cultures." The American Nation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall in Association with American Heritage, 2003. Redish, Laura and Orrin Lewis. Seminole Indian Fact Sheet. Seminole Indian Research." Geography. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct Seminole Pawnee Hopi Nez Perce Kwakiutl Inuit Region Southeast Woodland Great Plains Southwest Desert Great Basin (Idaho, Northwest Coast Arctic or Tundra (n.d.): n. pag. Web. Revised 2017

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