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You need your spiral and a copy of both books today.

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Presentation on theme: "You need your spiral and a copy of both books today."— Presentation transcript:

1 You need your spiral and a copy of both books today.
Good morning! You need your spiral and a copy of both books today.

2 Confederacy 12. Pictograph Hunter-gather 13. Prehistory
VOCABULARY- Natural TX and Its People. Fold in pages as shown on the board. List the vocab words as show below. Definition and pictures will go inside the flaps. Adobe Leantu Archaeologist Nomad Artifact Pemmican Atlatl Petroglyph Confederacy Pictograph Hunter-gather Prehistory Land-Bridge Pueblo 15. Teepee (Tipi)

3 Vocabulary The Early People of Texas

4 A mix of sun-dried earth and straw used to build houses.
Adobe A mix of sun-dried earth and straw used to build houses.

5 Scientist who study physical remains of the past.
Archaeologists Scientist who study physical remains of the past.

6 Artifacts Objects made by humans that we study to learn about past human cultures such as tools, pottery, bones, and shells

7 A hand-held spear thrower
Atlatl A hand-held spear thrower

8 A union of different groups.
Confederacies A union of different groups. Alliance

9 People who eat small animals, berries, nuts and plants.
Hunter-gathers People who eat small animals, berries, nuts and plants.

10 Land-Bridge The theory that humans migrated from Asia to N. America across the exposed land of Beringia during the Ice Age

11 Leantu A simple structure of sticks leaning towards each other used for sleeping

12 People who wander from place to place
Nomads People who wander from place to place

13 Pemmican A mixture of animal fat and berries used by some Native American tribes in order to preserve meat JERKY

14 Petroglyphs Carvings made in rock

15 Pictures drawn or painted on cave walls, ledges, and cliffs
Pictographs Pictures drawn or painted on cave walls, ledges, and cliffs

16 The time before written records
Prehistory The time before written records

17 Large Native American homes made of adobe
Pueblos Large Native American homes made of adobe

18 Tepees A portable home made of tanned bison hides fastened to a framework of poles.

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