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Structure of Organisation Unit Level

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1 Structure of Organisation Unit Level
ACP 42 Structure of Organisation Unit Level Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

2 Objective By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
Recall the unit structure of the Corps, including the Flying and Gliding Structure State the difference between a Parent Station and an Affiliated Station and how they affect your squadron Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

3 Scope & Handout The lesson will last approximately 35 minutes
There are no handouts Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

4 Combined Cadet Force ‘Combined Cadet Force (CCF)
Run at schools that educate 17+ Three different sections: RAF, Army & Navy 180 CCF(RAF) Sections ATC & CCF together form the Air Cadet Organization (ACO) Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

5 Flying Air Experience Flights (AEF) Based at RAF or civilian airfields
Fly Scottish Aviation Bulldogs & Grob Tutors 13 AEF Units Commanded by RAF officers (except 13AEF) Pilots are RAFVR(T) and RAF Officers Detailed in ACTI 31 Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

6 Gliding Volunteer Gliding Schools (VGS)
Air Cadets Central Gliding School (ACCGS) (RAF Syerston) 28 VGS Air Experience Glides (AEG) Gliding Induction Course (GIC) Gliding Scholarship (GS) Advanced Gliding Training (AGT) ACTI 32 Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

7 Flying & Gliding RAF Aircraft Flights RAF Overseas Flights
Summer Camps/visiting RAF Stations RAF Overseas Flights ACTI 33 Flying Scholarship Learn to fly at Civilian Airfields ACTI 34 Opportunity/Passenger/European Flights Civilian/Commercial aircraft ACTI 35 Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

8 ATF (Adult Training Facility)
RAF College Cranwell Training centre for civilian adult staff Learn initial steps of being Officer/SNCO Training courses for ACP subjects Senior/Promotion courses SNCO Drill Instructor’s Course Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

9 Parenting & Affiliation
Liaison between RAF and ATC/CCF(RAF) units Both facilities can be provided by the same RAF Station However, it may be split Some duties may be taken on by Army units Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

10 Parenting Parenting Provision of services Arrangements made by HQAC
Detailed in ACP 8 Held at Wing HQ Sqn Adjutant holds copy of details for your squadron Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

11 Affiliation Provide assistance to local cadet units
Wing HQ is affiliated, not squadrons Squadrons request assistance through WHQ ACLO RAF Officer appointed by Station Cmdr Deals with ATC, CCF(RAF), Air Scouts, Girl’s Venture Corps, etc Accept cadets on day visits Provide facilities Wing Functions Courses Provide RAF personnel Assistance with training programme Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

12 Objective By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
Recall the unit structure of the Corps, including the Flying and Gliding Structure State the difference between a Parent Station and an Affiliated Station and how they affect your squadron Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

13 Summary Figures Correct 1999 Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

14 Summary Flying & Gliding structure and where to find the information on these. Parent Station provides items (uniform etc..) Affiliated stations provide support in some way (RAF Woodvale – wing HQ) Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

15 Questions Where is ACCGS? How many AEFs are there?
Where do new staff members go for training? What type of RAF Station provides facilities for Wing Courses? Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

16 Questions Any Questions? Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

17 Looking forward… Next session will be…
Formation of a theory lesson - Introduction Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

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