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Learning English through Mobile Devices

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1 Learning English through Mobile Devices
Presented by Jia Lijuan, Henan University

2 Project Team Members Li Xue’e(Project leader), Henan University
Niu Yongjuan(Rebecca), Henan University Jia Lijuan(Tracey), Henan University

3 Contents I. Research Background II. Research Objectives
III. Research Action IV. Findings V. Recommendation

4 I. Research background 1. Interviews with offshore students = English learning is currently mainly restricted to classrooms. 2. HU teachers feedback = English learning materials, to a large extent, are restricted to textbooks. 3. Students = indicate English learning is boring. 4. HU teacher input = most Chinese students cannot sustain English learning after the first two years for a lack of drive and environment.

5 II. Research Objectives
1. offer variety of English learning resources. 2. create an English learning environment for students. 3. facilitate students’ habit of learning English whenever and wherever possible. 4. boost students’ interest in learning English through mobile devices

6 III. Research Action 1. Participants, orientation and foundation of the Wechat learning group

7 2. Recommended apps and websites
BBC, VOA,CNN, ABC, China Daily, 21st century, Washington Post, Guardian, Economics, Seed, Business Weekly, putclub Reading & listening: ABC, BBC, China Daily, VOA, Seed, Business Weekly Dictionary: Longman Dictionary, Mdict,云词,拓词,乐词,百词斩,不背单词, 欧路词典 Speaking: 英语流利说,英语趣配音 Comprehensive: 扇贝系列, 懒人学英语,懒人考雅思,奇速英语, LangEasy

8 3. Monitoring and encouraging the use of apps


10 4. Interview students, design the questionnaire, and analyze data

11 V. Findings

12 1. Awareness Advantages

13 2. Benefits Beneficial Aspects

14 Knowledge about Australia

15 3. Character Personal Benefits

16 Disadvantages of mobile study

17 4. Teachers’ function Teachers’ Efforts

18 “It will be better not to push every day
“It will be better not to push every day. Because students’ learning plans differ from each other, if seeing others’ progress is bigger than mine, sometimes it is a kind of spur but other times it is pressure on me and bores me of learning. I prefer simple share of study.”

19 V. Recommendation 1. Timely communication with students to better understand their needs 2. Provide writing guidance and exercises

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