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The Circulatory System And Lymphatic System Lesson 2

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1 The Circulatory System And Lymphatic System Lesson 2
Chapter 12 The Circulatory System And Lymphatic System Lesson 2

2 The Circulatory System
Blood vessels carry blood to every part of your body. Blood moves oxygen and nutrients to cells and carries carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the cells.

3 The Heart Organ made of cardiac muscle tissue.
Located behind breastbone and between lungs. Has FOUR compartments called chambers. Atria The two UPPER chambers are called right and left atriums Ventricles The two lower chambers



6 Coronary Circulation Coronary circulation- the flow of blood to the tissues of the heart. Supplies heart with oxygen and nutrients When these are blocked it results in a heart attack.

7 Pulmonary Circulation
The flow of blood through heart to lungs and back to heart. Moves between heart and lungs Drops off CO2 in the lungs and picks up oxygen to take back to the heart.

8 Systemic Circulation Oxygen-rich blood moves to all of your organs and body tissues, except the heart and lungs, by systemic circulation. Largest of the three sections of Circulatory system. Nutrients and oxygen- delivered From heart to arteries. Delivered to body cells and Exchanged for CO2 and wastes. Blood returns to your heart.

9 Path that Blood Takes 1. Blood enters right atrium in veins from body tissues 2. Right atrium contracts and blood enters right ventricle. 3. Right ventricle contracts. 4. Blood leaves right ventricle in pulmonary arteries. 5. Blood in pulmonary arteries exchanges CO2 for oxygen. 6. Oxygen-rich blood returns to left atrium. 7. Left atrium contracts and blood enters left ventricle. 8. Left ventricle contracts. 9. Blood leaves heart in arteries to body tissues.

10 Blood Vessels Arteries Veins Capillaries
Vessels that move blood away from the heart Veins Vessels that move blood toward the heart Capillaries Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins

11 Blood Pressure A force exerted on the walls of blood vessels by blood.

12 Section 2- Blood Functions of Blood
Carries oxygen from your lungs to all your body cells. Carries waste products from your cells to your kidneys to be removed Transports nutrients and other substances to your body cells. Fight infections and help heal wounds.

13 Hemoglobin BLOOD TYPES
Carries oxygen and CO2. gives blood its red color BLOOD TYPES A, B, AB, O You CANNOT change your blood type.

14 Diseases of Blood Anemia is a blood disorder of the red blood cells in which tissues can’t get enough oxygen. Loss of large amounts of blood Diet lacking iron or certain vitamins The production of increased numbers of immature white blood cells is a disease called leukemia. Medicines, blood transfusions, and bone marrow transplants are treatments.

15 Lymphatic System Lymph
The water and dissolved substances remaining between cells and diffused into lymphatic capillaries. Lymph is made up of white blood cells, water, and dissolved substances. Your lymphatic system collects fluid from body tissue spaces. Uses skeletal and smooth muslces for movement.

16 Lymphatic Organs Lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, and spleen


18 Tonsils Thymus Spleen Lymph Nodes

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