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World War II Review.

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1 World War II Review

2 All the population- men, women and children- are all involved in the war, every town, and every factory. This describes what kind of war… Total War

3 How did the war affect women and minorities?
new opportunities in the workplace

4 How was German fascism different than Russia and Italy?
racial purification

5 working in factories making military supplies
Rosie the Riveter symbolized what change in the role of women during WWII? working in factories making military supplies

6 practice of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war
The Munich Agreement was criticized for appeasing Germany. What is appeasement? practice of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war

7 economic and social problems after WWI
The rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy and Spain were largely a result of…. economic and social problems after WWI

8 To deal with inflation, What did the Dawes Act do?
reduced Germany's reparations debt

9 cities damaged by bombings by both Allied and Axis forces
Warsaw, Coventry, Dresden, London, Nagasaki and Hiroshima all have this in common… cities damaged by bombings by both Allied and Axis forces

10 What agreement empowered Germany to invade Poland?
nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union

11 What brought Japan, Italy and Germany together?
Hostility against Russia

12 What did President Truman want to avoid in Japan?
Land Invasion of Japan

13 What did the Japanese do to start the conflict in the Pacific?
Conquer countries across Asia

14 What event pushed the U.S. into the war?
Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan

15 What invention allowed the British to defend and prepare against air attacks?

16 What organization replaced the League of Nations after WWII?
United Nations

17 16. What scientist helped develop the atomic bomb?
Albert Einstein

18 What two cities were destroyed by atomic bombs?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

19 What was a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
U.S. enters World War II

20 What was one cause of the Great Depression?
Speculation in the U.S. stock Market

21 What was the German strategy that included technology with speed and force?

22 What was the impact of D-Day?
Created a new Front (field of battle)

23 What was the leadership system used by Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini?

24 What was the purpose of the "Final Solution"?
Kill the Jewish population

25 Which country had the least damage from the Great Depression?
Soviet Union (Russia)

26 Which of these contributed most to Germany's defeat?
Consequences of attacking Russia

27 Children worked in the factories
Which of these did NOT happen to people at home during the war (Homefront)? Children worked in the factories

28 Who was the Russian leader during WW II?

29 Why did Germans accept Hitler and the Nazi Party?
the belief that Hitler ended the depression

30 Why did Jewish families hide or flee Europe during WWII?
Germans were capturing Jews

31 Why did the attack on Moscow fail?
Germans were unprepared for winter

32 Why was the Nazi party popular?
Ending the Depression

33 The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
ADD THIS QUESTION TO YOUR REVIEW World War II ended in the Pacific after… The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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