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Lessons from Macedonia

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons from Macedonia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons from Macedonia
Impact Evaluation of the Municipal Climate Change Strategies Pilot Project Lessons from Macedonia Nancy Peek, Research Associate Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project

2 Overview Municipal Climate Change Strategy (MCCS) – pilot project activities and objectives Evaluation questions Baseline survey instruments Challenges developing household questionnaire Examples of climate change-related questions

3 MCCS Pilot Project Project goals Activities
Address the need to strengthen civil society, boost citizen activism, raise awareness and bolster local resilience to climate change Activities Capacity building related to climate change adaptation/mitigation planning Information campaign Green Agenda process First Stakeholders’ Meeting in Krivogashtani, June 12, 2013

4 Evaluation Questions The impact evaluation seeks to examine the MCCS activity’s impact on citizens, municipal government representatives, CSOs in the following areas:

5 Map of MCCS Project and Comparison Municipalities

6 Baseline Survey Instruments
Households (quantitative) 1,800 households, split between the project and comparison municipalities Municipal staff (qualitative) Civil Society Organization staff (qualitative) Citizen key informants (qualitative)

7 Challenges designing household survey instrument
Most existing, “tested” climate change-related survey questions were not suited or appropriate for our purposes Geared towards high-income country respondents; especially action-related questions Contained biased or alarmist language

8 Example of climate change action-oriented question
For each activity that you do regularly, please indicate your reason for doing so. [Convenience, To save money, to protect the environment, for my health, habit, moral obligation] Walk or cycle to work Use public transport Turn off lights I’m not using Buy energy efficient light bulbs Buy organic food Recycle glass Buy energy efficient appliances Weather strip your home Recycle other items Insulate your attic

9 Adapted for the MCCS baseline questionnaire
I will read you a list of actions that you might have taken in the last 12 months. Please tell if by taking some of these actions you were motivated to reduce the causes and consequences of climate change? ACTIVITIES Yes, climate change was the motivation Yes, but climate change was not motivation No, haven’t taken such activity Used energy efficient light bulbs 1 2 3 Used less energy in other ways Installed solar panels Recycled Changed farming techniques or types of crops grown Conserved water/improved irrigation systems Contact local government about climate change issues

10 Examples of biased language
When do you think climate change will start to substantially harm people in [country]? People are being harmed now In 10 years In 25 years In 50 years In 100 years Never How serious of a threat is global warming to you and your family? (Gallup)

11 Language neutralized for MCCS survey
When do you think climate change will start to substantially affect people in Macedonia? People are being affected now In 10 years In 25 years In 50 years In 100 years Never Do you think climate change will affect you or your family in some way? Definitely yes Probably yes Maybe yes maybe no Probably no Definitely no

12 Challenges developing climate change-related survey questions
More to come in the next presentation Look forward to hearing your suggestions for resources

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